2012 Surgery Sisters
What is YOUR "WHY"?
Writing them down and placing them somewhere you can see everyday is a great things as well! They become our daily reminders when times get tough!

1. I want to live to be numerically old; to watch my children grow up, get married and have families of their own.
2. I want to be the cool Grandma, full of energy and life to enjoy my grandbabies!
3. I want to look like I feel inside...young, vibrant, energetic and full of life!
4. I want to be free of pain from the weight I carry around!
5. I want to jump out of an airplane with my son when he turns 18!
6. I want to get into endurance road biking, and ride in bike tours around the US
7. I want to run a marathon and run a tri-athlon.
8. I want to have the energy to live life.
9. I want to break free from my fat prison.
10. I want to inspire others to make hard changes, and fight tough battles.
11. I want to impart knowledge I have learned from my own battle and help others because I have been there too, and I KNOW how it feels!
12. I want to exercise because I LOVE it, and NOT because if I don't I will gain weight!
13. I want to have confidence to show my talents, use them, and share them.
14. I know this one sounds vain, but lets get real here...who doesn't want this....but I want to be drop-dead gorgeous, and when I walk into a room, people notice me!!!
15. I WANT to be an ACTIVE participant in life and my children's lives, rather than watch from the side-lines.
I want to sit in a booth and not have my chest hang over the table, which makes every single thing I drop from my utensil fall onto my shelf.
I, too, want to be a cool grandma! I have a five year old granddaughter, and hopefully lots more in the future
I want to be the grandma that the kids can be proud of, not embarrassed of!
I want to feel young, free, pain free!
I want to get off of all my medicines!
I want to be successful in my business, which I know I don't work at hard enough, mostly because I don't feel, inside, that I'm worth owning a successful businses.
And just like felise, I want to be drop dead gorgeous that when I walk in a room, people say, Man, look at her!!! :-)
So glad we're all here!
1. I am so tired of taking so many meds everyday, and spending allot of money on them..
2. I want to be able to take my kids to a fair and ride a ride with them before they are fully grown.
3. I want to be here to grow old with my husband.
4. I want to be able to walk with out pain and losing my breath.
5. I am tried of always being the big one in the group
6. I watched my parents die from Obesty related illness and I don't want to put my kids through that.
7. I am tired of the looks, the comments, the laughs when I have to go into town.
8. I am tried of fat people stores!
9. I want to live my life instead of watching it.
10. I want to do this for myself...So I can be happy with me and learn to love myself.
2. I want to have more engery to do the things I love
3. I want to not hurt when I wake up
4. I want to by clothes that are in fashion
5. I want my children to be proud to be seen with me
6. I want to ride my mule and not feel like I am abusing her
7. I want to do long off the beaten path photography sessions
8. I want to stop hiding behind objects and people when a camera comes out
9. I want to be proud that I have taken back control of my life and how I live it
10. I want to love me