San Gabriel Valley Support Group
Weekend plans?
We've got a long weekend coming up (for most), anyone have any fun plans?
We were planning a trip to the beach but I don't think my Mom is up to it, so I canceled our reservations yesterday. Now I guess it'll be a do things at home weekend.
Things like hopefully getting our land line fixed! I got home yesterday to find out it was dead, no dial tone. It was working the night before. Makes me wonder if we really even need it? Now before anyone says "Did you pay the bill?" Yes, I did and I even have a credit. Phone company says they'll fix it before Monday at 6:00PM ... Monday? Wow!
We were planning a trip to the beach but I don't think my Mom is up to it, so I canceled our reservations yesterday. Now I guess it'll be a do things at home weekend.
Things like hopefully getting our land line fixed! I got home yesterday to find out it was dead, no dial tone. It was working the night before. Makes me wonder if we really even need it? Now before anyone says "Did you pay the bill?" Yes, I did and I even have a credit. Phone company says they'll fix it before Monday at 6:00PM ... Monday? Wow!
Got rid of my landline a couple of years ago. Never wanted to answer it anyways and we all have cell. Just hanging out with the kids this week-end. My 9 yr. old daughter asked me if she could have a couple of friends over today after school and sonehow it turned out to be5 girls, but they are outside playing on the trampoline, so it's quiet in here. You couldn;t believe how loud 6 little girls can be. Tomorrow i am taking my daughter, grandson and 2 of their frriends to an amusement park and then letting them have a slumber party and then Sunday , it is my other 2 grandkids and going to see Hotel for dogs, so like I said it is a kid week-end, but then Monday it is all for me. I am getting implants to get rid of some of this lose skin. Told him I was fine with the size just wanted them pumped up a little !!
Hi Jan,
I just seen your post. Sorry to hear your mother is not up for the trip to the beach. You know we have not had a landline for about 7 years. With cell phones today I am sure a lot of people have cancelled there landlines. Tomorrow I plan on cleaning out our garage.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs....Miss you lady!!!!
I just seen your post. Sorry to hear your mother is not up for the trip to the beach. You know we have not had a landline for about 7 years. With cell phones today I am sure a lot of people have cancelled there landlines. Tomorrow I plan on cleaning out our garage.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs....Miss you lady!!!!

Just getting to the topic today (monday night). I had a decent weedend. I was supposed to work on Saturday night, but got cancelled...bummer, that means no $$.
I went to my nephews birthday party at Major Magics (a version of chuckie cheese). Had a good time playing all the different games with him. I even one the "jackpot" on a game that gives you prize tickets... I was able to give him over 1000 tickets to turn in for prizes!! He thought that was really cool. I can't believe he is 7 already.. time really does fly!!!
I went to my nephews birthday party at Major Magics (a version of chuckie cheese). Had a good time playing all the different games with him. I even one the "jackpot" on a game that gives you prize tickets... I was able to give him over 1000 tickets to turn in for prizes!! He thought that was really cool. I can't believe he is 7 already.. time really does fly!!!