
Tonimarie M.
on 11/9/09 6:21 am - Huntington , NY
Hi Everyone,

Success is something you "Want". It is not something that will just happen or that someone can do for you.

Everyday in life there are challenges or obsticles. It is how you react and what you will do to make it successful for you.

WLS sugery for me was a BIG challenge in the beginning having many complications and set backs. If it wasn't for me "wanting" to be successful and get the weight off it would not have happened.

I have set small goals over the past 19 months and accomplishing those goals is what has made me successful.

Keeping a positive and optimistic attitude is also a means to your success!

A wonderful success story (wow moment) was me running my first race Sunday 11/8. It was such an amazing feeling running through the finish line, knowing I was successful in completing a goal I set and something that I would not have been able to do without WLS.

We can all do it if we "WANT" it. So set some goals and share your success stories! 


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