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Pace yourself

Cheryl W.
on 3/5/11 3:32 am - Fernandina Beach, FL
So my last run, intervals, felt just awful.   I hurt, I was slow, I couldn't breathe, I hated my shoes....

Today, I ran 2 miles, and it felt great.  Best pace yet, 12:44.  My goal is to run my first 5K at 13:00 minute mile (41 minutes).  So now that goal seems do-able, and maybe my goal pace is too slow.

 Anyway I feel proud and strong, and ready for my next training session on Monday, where I have to run 45 minutes straight.  Bet I can make the 3 mile plus mark.

 HW:  258  SW:  237 CW:  152      
Carolyn D.
on 3/5/11 12:51 pm - San Jose, CA
I bet you can!  You will be surprised at how fast you will build stamina and speed. 

Today for me - 4.6 jog - tomorrow 10 miles - will be my longest run yet and I am hoping to do it in under 2 1/2 hours.  But will be happy just to finish, regardless of how long it takes :-)  One step closer to my goal!

Keep up the training - you are doing awesome!  And make sure that you have a good pair of running shoes!  This is an expense to improve your health - don't cut corners - find a pair that really fit well and support you well.  I use to be a Nike girl - but my feet are different now (130 pounds gone will do that) and Nike does not fit right.  I switched to Asics and love my current pair.  Once I am done with these - I am going to go to a running shop and have me stride/feet measured by the pros and get a really nice pair that will make my feet dream!  I am interested to find out my pronation (over, under, normal) and to learn more about my stide.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Cheryl W.
on 3/5/11 8:35 pm - Fernandina Beach, FL
10 miles, I'm in awe.    I'm not sure I'd ever get to that point.  My interim goal is the 5 mile Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving.  We'll see where it goes from there.  What is your goal?  Are you training for a 1/2 or full marathon?

I just got new shoes, maybe that's why they were bothering me Thursday.  

I went to New Balance and they put me on their analyzer and said I have high arches and over pronate.  So they talked me into some orthotics.  Well the orthotics really push my feet to the outside and I feel like I'm walking on a ridge, one foot on each side.  Very uncomfortable.  So yesterday, I took the orthotics out, and the run felt much better.  I also bought new socks at the running store.  Don't remember the brand name, but expensive.  Well they feel slippery, like my feet keep moving around and slipping in them.  I bought 3 pair at $10 each so I guess I'm stuck with them (of course already threw out the wrapers, receipt, etc.) 

I have a pair of Brooks shoes that I bought at a boutique running store in Birmingham AL two years ago that are my favorites.  But they're pretty worn, so I slipped the orthotics in them.  Made them feel much cushier.  The New Balance folks said that the brand name models of shoes in regular stores (like at Foot Locker or Dick's) are the low end models and that the running stores carry the more high end shoes that last longer and have better support.  Hmmm, might just be a justifying sales pitch.   I saw that Dicks is now carrying Brooks brand and they didn't seem much cheaper than the running store.  

Good luck on your run, have fun.
 HW:  258  SW:  237 CW:  152      
Carolyn D.
on 3/6/11 8:04 am - San Jose, CA
I am training for a 1/2 marathon in April.  New shoes can cause problems - definately want to break them in before a run :-)  my current pair I bought right before a 5k and the first time I wore them was on the run....  caused a cut on the top of my foot just above my sock - which has never happended again - must not have had the tonge straight.