RNY Surgery July 2010


 Hello everyone! I have found it very helpful to connect with people who have had surgery around the time I have had mine. I am hoping this will be of use to others and we can stay in contact and support each other through this process.

General Information

Location: ,
Group Created: Jul 21, 2010
Members: 39
12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
14 Years Ago
3 months post-op - Hey everyone, Just thought I would check in and see how everyone is doing.  I just had my Dr. appointment and I am down about 70lbs.  I still have about 60 or so to go.  I had m...
14 Years Ago
Just found this group - I read a post where Tammi said she started this group so here I am! Today is 3 months since I had surgery, hard to believe how fast time has gone. I am adding new foods to my diet ...

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