Institute for Weight Loss
Brrrrrr!!!! November 19, 2014 11:32 pm Hello Everyone!!!
Well the winter is upon us. Shorter days and colder nights may cut into our outside time but we can still stay active indoors. Take a ride out to the mall early in the morning and join the mallwalkers. Afterwards have a nice low fat warm beverage and maybe buy yourself something nice. You deserve it! At home, go up and down those stairs a few times, do some wall-ups (push-ups on the wall), do 20 squats during commercials. You can get mini workouts in throughout your day even if you're stuck in the house. Above all else be good to yourself. Remember, you're your own worst critic and your biggest cheerleader. If you think you haven't worked hard enough at whatever goal you've set for yourself, admit it and move on. Don't dwell on it. All that does is add to your frustration. You're human and we humans tend to mess up, but we also know to suck it up and get on with it!!! Be kind to yourself, you're ok. Happy Holidays!! Maureen
It's been tooo long!! May 12, 2014 11:00 pm Hello Everyone, My deepest apologies!!! It has been much too long!!! This past winter drained us of our needed energy so we have to take a good deep breath and dive into spring/summer Get outside as much as possible (don't forget the sunscreen Start prepping for a 5K (it's only 3.1miles), take a golf class, do some yoga outside...whatever relaxes you or makes you smile. If you enjoy it, you'll do it often. And remember, this is for you, not for anyone else. I'd love to hear from you, leave a comment Maureen
SUMMER! July 31, 2012 2:14 am How's your summer???
Be the first to leave a comment.Hot, Hot, Hot!!!! Personally I love the heat but for those who don't, there are great alternatives to getting your exercise outside. Mall walking! You can do it any time, any mall! Some malls open early (as early as 7am) for mall walking enthusiasts. Your local community/recreation center has activities scheduled throughout the summer. Even if you just go to play cards or ping-pong, at least you'll be in a nice air conditioned area. Go to your local library and read a magazine (free), rent a movie or DVD, walk around the building or lobby while you're there. Go to your local community college and walk around the buildings, see whats happening on campus, maybe sign up for a class. There are so many possibilities, you just have to go ahead and go!! ![]()
Happy May!!! May 9, 2012 12:02 am Slowly but surely spring is sneaking in. Time to grab as much of the nice weathr as possible and get outside!
Be the first to leave a comment.Take a walk or slow jog(or a fast one if you're up to it ![]() Enjoy the selection of fresh fruits and vegies available. The important thing is to literally and metaphorically (big word ![]() I would love to hear from our members, let me know what you're thinking, doing, planning!!! Encourage friends to join our little group so it can grow and become a friendly place to hangout ![]()
Getting on with it!
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January 17, 2012 1:34 am So the New Year has begun!
Be the first to leave a comment.What resolutions have been made, stumbled upon, or discarded? Just because one resolution didn't work it doesn't mean you failed. On the contrary, you have re-assessed the situation and come up with a better plan! It doesn't help to dwell on what you can't or didn't do. What matters is that you take a few deep breaths and GET ON WITH IT!!! Give yourself the shortest pity party ever and move on! Take care of you and then take care of whatever!!!! ![]() |