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Topic: Transcripts from Feb 4th chat
O.K. so this is hard to read as it doesn't show the users name who is talking.
for some reason it didn't copy it.
I'm a westie. Figured it'd be cold over there right now!
I'm from AZ but visiting Dan here in rainy Texas for his 100 mile run on Sat. Glad I don't wake up to 30 degree weather
> Hello
HI Scott
how the heck do you do a 100 mile run, ,i get tired doing 100 on the bike
I don't have the answer to that. I figured I better come support him in case he didn't make it
I can't even imagine doing 50miles much less 100!
that's great. even if he doesn't make it, to attempt it is awesome
Dan will. He's a stubborn dude so if he says he's doing it, he'll finish
the 26.2 was enough for me
and my feet
Testing, wondered if I got booted off. I hate computers.
Dan will be on in less than 5 mins
> you will know if you get disconnected
yeah, what's up with this thing?
anyone out there, or do we have a discussion topic,or is there a driver?
Dan said hang tight for two more minutes
Dan's the driver, but he needed a little time out first
ok patience is my middle name
Glad it's yours cause it sure isn't mine! lol
> Yeah I have somewhere between 0 and none when it comes to patience. ;-)
I try to have pa
I can't even finish the word
scott, how is that stone wall?
> Which one, I have so many of them, I think I'm building a castle?
drum roll...................
hey guys
back at you
> hello
Duane whats up in INDY
Scott whats up dude
its cold here
saw your push up workout... NIIIIIICE
big storm coming
you are getting what we have been dealing with Duane
> I think I'm getting the plague. Been feeling out of it all day long.
Rob... hows weather in NOR EAST?
We're getting 12-18". Tough to run in that
THE PLAGUE???? thats funny
yeah no kidding rob
and Katie...
HOW's life in OR???
lol. WET!!
and the other Katie :)
it's all good
thats par for the course in OR
good deal
well... thank you all for being online
got some cool things to discuss and hopefully wont burn the midnite oil here
Let me just share a few things I wthought we would discuss...
Racing team perameters...
Qualifications to be on the team
racing events
and open forum
anything else that anyone feels we should discuss?
go for it
lets start threr ;)
so when I am typing, if you see.....
I am still typing more....
if I ask a question, we will go in order down the participant list...
let's get it going:
So we had sicussed a few perameters on our chat last month....
it was discussed that the qualification to be on "Team Post-Op PRs" would be a cumulative racing total mileage as 26.2 miles....
this was to include running, swimming, and cycling...
after further discussion amongst the officers of the team, we determined we needed to get more specific and up the bar a bit...
here's what we have come up with...
for running quals: plans to or has completed a 13.1 chip timed race..
cycling: 100 mile 'Century Ride"...
Swimming: 2.4 miles of "Raced Swims"....
Here is tha rationale behind this...
When Scott (Seht) concieved the idea of having a team, it was for the purpose of accomplishing the following:
1) gain corporate sponsorship for events, appearel, nutrition, etc....
2) to raise awareness of Obesity and advocate for WLS as a viable and great option...
3) prove to people that we are able to rea*****redible feats after surgery, and it is NOT a limiter, but an inabler...
In order to gain sponsorship, we need to have the team comprised of folks who are surious, and committed to "Racing"....
maybe not-so-much against others, but mainly themselves...
we WILL gain sponsorship, as some have already been secured that many are not even aware of, but that is where we are at...
lets go down the list and get feedback...
KATIE, what say you?
I agree as long as it states PLANS to run the 13.1 Because I'm not there yet, but hope to run at least the 1/2 marathon this fall
Other than that I think you saw the
discussion I had with Scott. If that is fine than I agree
That's very cool, I think you will do it and do great!!!
I agree with all
As long as we are advocates for WLS, and I don't have to swim, I like the concept
LOLOL ok sounds good.... SCOTT?
> I'm good, I just wanted a group of people who wanted to do what you spelled out......
ok cool.... katie h?
> If you are interested in racing, and you are trying to challenge yourself and move up it's good
> no swimming for Rob
I agree with Katie, my half isn't until the end of September
THen it's all good
I'm in agreement with those criteria.
ok kool
welcome btw..
no prob with the quals, just concerned with team even but i just logged on so maybe you already covered that
nope not yet
ok coll...
cool i mean, so here's te next thing....
Let's go down participation list and see who is interested in Muddy Buddy and which one.... KATIE
Muddy Buddy OCt. 17th Portland OR
Dallas with someone that has my same last name
ok kool
There is one in Richmond on May2nd but I have two other runs so probably will not be able to do it this year
OK kool
(I already know your answer)
but give it
> Muddy Buddy in San Jose, maybe with Mac Madamme (Marie)
I don't think so - I don't bike
I'd do something every weekend if I could afford it and had the time off. I've not put $$ down on anything but the Indy 500 Mini Marathon this May. I will do the Hilly Hundred bike ride
here in Bloomington in October.
no muddy buddy on the horizon as of yet?
Tawnya... wanna do Dallas?
dallas in oct unless i get in the NY lottery and I won't know that till june
I'll have to give them a better look. I know I can work something into my sched.
> Away from Keyboard for a second......
very koolol duane
ok so here's the rub....
> Back.
Bob Babbitt, the man who owns the Muddy Buddy Races, and Competitor magazine, etc....
has agreed to give us a huge discount on entries...
wants to put all of our BIO's on their website
ERY BIG publicity....
One sec.. dealing with baligerant 6 year old....
ok i am back
I need to get a responce from EVERYONE with a firm headcount, so we can distribute discount codes accordingly
ok I think it's awesome ya'll want to do this....
next item....
when do you need a firm commitment?
no time frame
can we partner with non-wls sidekick
it looks pretty fun..
just want to give BOB a somewhat realistic and firm headcount
yeah it does
question. I don't have a buddy for the muddy yet. Can I sign up and just hope like heck I find one and is it okay for spouse or non-WLSer
you are in OR?
I will see what I can do to get up there
if we cant find one... my uncle lives in BEAVERTON
that'd be cool
and I could make a visit out of it
dan, clarify please...needs to be WLS buddy?
ok next....
not at all tawnya
> That might be hard for some people. I know if Marie didn't live near here, I wouldn't have one.
> I can't get the local wls people to even get out and walk let alone run an event
I know what you mean Scott.
How is it going???
I will get the winner hooked up with a free entry
I hope you all are working on it
lol working on it but this week has gone to the crapper
THere is a guy named Dean Karnazes...
he is dubbed "Ultra Marathon Man"....
he was asked if he could only do 1 excercise for the rest of his life, what would it be.....
his answer was....
I would agree, even though I suck at them
anyways, I would encourage you all to participate in the challenge Scott layed out....
OK let's go down participant list and open the forum for questions and or comments..... KATIE...
No questions yet. But...
Scott I have an evelope for you with current wrapers pm me your info and I'll mail them out
> Oh cool, thanks Katie
So I agree with the criteria, how do you want us to post or submit what our race schedule is?
Also, Dan and I are working on the logo / site stuff so hang tight for that. I had surgery so had a bit of a set back with that.
there is a tghread in this forum that asks for that... reply there
no questions, just waiting for the weather to break
I will get workin on that...
> I saw a question about the team event.....
> It won't be mandatory....
> We can't & won't force someone to travel as part of the team
not at all
> I know I wouldn't be able to do Florida if it wasn't a family vacation as well....
> I think the goal would be to move them around the country.....
> Next year could be Florida, followed by Texas, or California, or Maine or wherever
> I just wanted to get a list of possible events for the next say 5 years
> and get them posted. That way people could have an idea what to plan for
Hawii! LOL
that's five years worth of motivation right there..
> Yeah I'd love to do Hawaii, and I could sell that to my wife.
I could so sell that as a family vaca
katie H
nope, i just got carried away
lol ok
I'm good. I'll look at the Muddy Buddy list and figure out which one(s) I can do and I'll let you know.
sounds good...
no questions, just excited to find a group of like minded folks...and that your wls peeps just makes it that much better
> oh btw if i don't go link dead this time, I'll post this chat to the forum for comments
sounds good Scott...
My final thoughts...
2 years ago I was 400 pounds, tomorrow I leave to run a 100 mile ENDURANCE run...
you all know my story...
but you all really don't know how proud I am to associate myself with ya'll...
I have not missed a single workout post in the last year...
I have not missed posting a race report to OH...
I look forward to coming to my hoime away from home, amongst you all...
and I want to inspire and motivate myself, all of you, and anyone everywhere, that TRULY ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE...
that's what I am about, that's what you are about....
Thank you all for being online tonight.... take care and we will chat again soon
thanks Dan!
thanks dan. see ya on the boards!
I will talk to you all when all I will be able to move are my fingers!!!!
Thanks for hosting...It truely is an amazing journey we are on! Good luck this weekend.
indeed Rob
thanks dan, night everyone!
> Thanks for being online tonight. Looking forward to seeing more race results and some pictures of y'all in team shirts when they are done
see ya'll
Nice chatting with you all.
for some reason it didn't copy it.
I'm a westie. Figured it'd be cold over there right now!
> Hello
> you will know if you get disconnected
> Yeah I have somewhere between 0 and none when it comes to patience. ;-)
> Which one, I have so many of them, I think I'm building a castle?
> hello
> I think I'm getting the plague. Been feeling out of it all day long.
> I'm good, I just wanted a group of people who wanted to do what you spelled out......
> If you are interested in racing, and you are trying to challenge yourself and move up it's good
> no swimming for Rob
> Muddy Buddy in San Jose, maybe with Mac Madamme (Marie)
here in Bloomington in October.
> Away from Keyboard for a second......
> Back.
> That might be hard for some people. I know if Marie didn't live near here, I wouldn't have one.
> I can't get the local wls people to even get out and walk let alone run an event
> Oh cool, thanks Katie
> I saw a question about the team event.....
> It won't be mandatory....
> We can't & won't force someone to travel as part of the team
> I know I wouldn't be able to do Florida if it wasn't a family vacation as well....
> I think the goal would be to move them around the country.....
> Next year could be Florida, followed by Texas, or California, or Maine or wherever
> I just wanted to get a list of possible events for the next say 5 years
> and get them posted. That way people could have an idea what to plan for
> Yeah I'd love to do Hawaii, and I could sell that to my wife.
> oh btw if i don't go link dead this time, I'll post this chat to the forum for comments
> Thanks for being online tonight. Looking forward to seeing more race results and some pictures of y'all in team shirts when they are done
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Topic: RE: Event Suggestions
I'd agree to that one!! LOL.
Ht. 5'2 HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

Ht. 5'2 HW 234/GW 150/LW 128/CW 132 Size 18/20 to a size 4 in 9 months!

Topic: RE: Physical Therapy
Very frustrating. Take it easy, take care of yourself and heal up.
I have had PT a couple times for my neck and back. It was very helpful.
Good luck with the process.
I have had PT a couple times for my neck and back. It was very helpful.
Good luck with the process.
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Topic: RE: Event Suggestions
I don't see why not. We can put any events on a proposed calendar that we would like
Given enough advanced notice I might be able to do something like that. However it would probably mean that I wouldn't be attending anything the prior 2 years.
Given enough advanced notice I might be able to do something like that. However it would probably mean that I wouldn't be attending anything the prior 2 years.
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
Topic: RE: Event Suggestions
I got preliminary family approval for Disney.
The only way I'm going to get a large race scheduled is to turn it into a family outing/vacation as well. Unless It's something very close to home that I can attend by myself.
If it has travel and a significant expense associated with it, I have to make it a family activity.
The only other way I could see it is if we had some comped entries to an even to off set the cost of the travel and accomodations.
The only way I'm going to get a large race scheduled is to turn it into a family outing/vacation as well. Unless It's something very close to home that I can attend by myself.
If it has travel and a significant expense associated with it, I have to make it a family activity.
The only other way I could see it is if we had some comped entries to an even to off set the cost of the travel and accomodations.
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
on 2/3/10 11:41 pm
on 2/3/10 11:41 pm
Topic: RE: Event Suggestions
Can we develop a 5 year plan for Hawaii? :)
RNY: 11/19/07
LW: 140 (January 09)
CW: 180
GW: 155-160
on 2/3/10 11:40 pm
on 2/3/10 11:40 pm
Topic: RE: Event Suggestions
Dallas White Rock - offers half and full mary simultanously. Beautiful course and lots of aid stations with a large after race event included with entry. This year's event is 12-12-2010...still 11 months away and plenty of time to train. Sign up starts June 1 at The half has sold out at 20k the last two years so sign up early is recommended. 2009's race was televised locally and is scheduled to be done again this year. Lots of ops for team/sponsor recognition.
For bikers, the Hotter n Hell is scheduled for Sat August 28 in Wichita falls Texas. Details at This is a 100 mile bike with hilly terrain, but wildly popular and very well supported. It is not an easy ride at all, I've known several people to ride it and not all made it. they were either pulled at the cut off point or disquaified after requiring 2 bags of iv for dehydration. it is not for beginners, but the 2011 dates are not posted yet.
And ladies who are just getting into triathlons, there is the Danskin Sprint Tri in Austin on June 5-6. I've done this twice and it is a huge event with participants of all ages and sizes. great place to attract wls sponsors as lots of participants are there because they are looking to change their lives.
Sorry, my suggestions are all Texas. But budget and time are both tight and I doubt I'll be able to get far from home. looking forward to chat.
For bikers, the Hotter n Hell is scheduled for Sat August 28 in Wichita falls Texas. Details at This is a 100 mile bike with hilly terrain, but wildly popular and very well supported. It is not an easy ride at all, I've known several people to ride it and not all made it. they were either pulled at the cut off point or disquaified after requiring 2 bags of iv for dehydration. it is not for beginners, but the 2011 dates are not posted yet.
And ladies who are just getting into triathlons, there is the Danskin Sprint Tri in Austin on June 5-6. I've done this twice and it is a huge event with participants of all ages and sizes. great place to attract wls sponsors as lots of participants are there because they are looking to change their lives.
Sorry, my suggestions are all Texas. But budget and time are both tight and I doubt I'll be able to get far from home. looking forward to chat.
RNY: 11/19/07
LW: 140 (January 09)
CW: 180
GW: 155-160
Topic: RE: 100 PUSH UP CHALLENGE!!!!
Day 2 completed, and it was easier than day 1 go figure.
3, 4, 2, 3, 4
3, 4, 2, 3, 4
The first time you do something - It's going to be a personal record!
on 2/3/10 9:35 pm
on 2/3/10 9:35 pm
Topic: RE: My thoughs on race team
I have class tonight, but I am going to make every effort to make the chat. I'm going to be released from my doctor soon (have been restricted from distance racing due to nerve damage in my foot) and I'm ready to look forward at some dates and make commitments. Doing so helps keep me focused.
I know I'm new...and you said you didn't want the team watered down by bunches of opinions...but, I'm throwing one in any way. Sorry. I just want to suggest that perhaps 2 "team" event races should be selected. 1 that is a greater distance and more challenging for the vets and a second one that is out there but still doable for a newbie, like a half. Granted most of my efforts are for me, lets be honest here, but I would still like to see more and more people turn their life around after wls and be out there leading an active lifestyle.
There is an events centered travel agent in Dallas who coordinates hotels, dinners and ground transports at major events. She can also do flights if the distance isn't drivable. Her rates are reasonable and becuase she is a competitor she understands the needs and books accordingly. I'm sure she would love to help you (the team) with that end of it, if there is a need. Diana Gold of Golden travel. If you're local and want to meet her, she hosts happy hours on the first wed of each month at a local venue and invites all of her racing clients. i hve her site saved on my other computer but will try to bring this info to chat in case there is any interest.
I know I'm new...and you said you didn't want the team watered down by bunches of opinions...but, I'm throwing one in any way. Sorry. I just want to suggest that perhaps 2 "team" event races should be selected. 1 that is a greater distance and more challenging for the vets and a second one that is out there but still doable for a newbie, like a half. Granted most of my efforts are for me, lets be honest here, but I would still like to see more and more people turn their life around after wls and be out there leading an active lifestyle.
There is an events centered travel agent in Dallas who coordinates hotels, dinners and ground transports at major events. She can also do flights if the distance isn't drivable. Her rates are reasonable and becuase she is a competitor she understands the needs and books accordingly. I'm sure she would love to help you (the team) with that end of it, if there is a need. Diana Gold of Golden travel. If you're local and want to meet her, she hosts happy hours on the first wed of each month at a local venue and invites all of her racing clients. i hve her site saved on my other computer but will try to bring this info to chat in case there is any interest.
RNY: 11/19/07
LW: 140 (January 09)
CW: 180
GW: 155-160
Topic: Physical Therapy

I got there a filled out all of the paperwork. The therapist took me to an exam room. She asked me a bunch of questions and then did an exam. She was bending me like a pretzel!
My right knee crunches when it bends. My right side is tighter than my left side. My right knee is swollen slightly. She said I had strong leg muscles. Makes sense I guess.
I will start the actual PT on Monday 3Xs a week for a minimum of 4 weeks. She said something about building/strengthening my right side to balance it with my left side. Something about ultrasound to work out the tightness in the muscle(?) I will have to ice there. I will have electric stimulation for the muscle but I can't remember why.
The only thing I am allowed to do is work upper body at the gym. I cannot even walk on the treadmill. After the 4 weeks I might be able to start using the elliptical/bike.
Nice, huh?
Feeling slightly frustrated,
My right knee crunches when it bends. My right side is tighter than my left side. My right knee is swollen slightly. She said I had strong leg muscles. Makes sense I guess.
I will start the actual PT on Monday 3Xs a week for a minimum of 4 weeks. She said something about building/strengthening my right side to balance it with my left side. Something about ultrasound to work out the tightness in the muscle(?) I will have to ice there. I will have electric stimulation for the muscle but I can't remember why.
The only thing I am allowed to do is work upper body at the gym. I cannot even walk on the treadmill. After the 4 weeks I might be able to start using the elliptical/bike.
Nice, huh?
Feeling slightly frustrated,

You can't measure your achievements with someone else's yardstick!
Revision from lapband to RNY 12/26/17 with Dr. Caitlin Halbert
HW 260 SW 248 CW 154 GW 145
Gallbladder removed 9/18