Central Bucks Support Group
Welcome to the Central Bucks Support Group!
Welcome friends! Check in and say hello! Let us know all about you! Share your experiences, fears, concerns, and of course, your triumphs and all of your great happenings! Our group website is an exciting place to learn, share, and support one another - let's make it fabulous!
One of the very best things about our future is that it comes one day at a time!
Proud Single Mom of Sami - Artist - Library Science - English Language and Literature - Vegetarian - Spayed Club Volunteer - Itinerant Musician!
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin
"One is too many and ten is not enough." ~Ozzy Osbourne
79 pounds to goal!