Palm Beach County RNYers

I am starting this group with the hopes of finding others in Palm Beach County, Florida who have undergone RNY surgery and would like to be a part of a local support group.My plan is to meet online, but occasionally meet in real life so we can have a sense of community amongst us RNYers!
General Information
Location: Boynton Beach, FL 33473Group Created: Nov 29, 2010Members: 511 Years Ago | |
13 Years Ago | |
14 Years Ago
need a support group-getting surgery June 7,2011 - Help-
I am hoping there is a support group for after surgery that is close to Boca Raton,
If this group meets, can u tell me where and what day of the week?
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14 Years Ago | |
14 Years Ago | |
14 Years Ago | |
14 Years Ago
WLS Therapy - Does anyone out there know of a good therapist in central PBC that deals well with WLS surgery patients and coping?
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