October 2014 Sleevers
When is your surgery?What have you been doing to prepare?
Mine is October 7, 2014 And I couldn't be more excited!! And scared to death! I start my 2 week preop liquid diet on Monday September 22 so I have 3 more days of real food before it all begins! I started cutting out sodas from my diet about 2 months ago, and I've slipped up a couple of times but for the most part I've been on track about 98% of the time. I also started cutting back pretty severely on carbs. I've been drinking a protein shake for breakfast every day where before I wasn't eating anything at all for breakfast. I've overall been trying too eat more mindfully for a couple of months. What have you guys been doing to prepare?
Mine is October 6,2014. My preop liquid diet is for 10 days so I start on September 26. I get cranky when I'm hungry so I hope I came make it . I stopped drinking and eating at the same time. I've cut back on pop. I've tasted a few different protein shakes, but I only like the carnation brand so far. What protein shake are you drinking? Now that my date is so close, I feel like there is so much to do, but not enough time to do it.
I've been drinking Body Fortress Whey Protein. My Nutritionist wants me to start using the Body Fortress Whey Protein ISOLATE form however so I'll probably start that on the 22nd. I love chocolate so that's the one I've been using and honestly it tastes really good compared to the one other I've tried which was EAS Whey Protein. It also has more protein in it. (BF has 30g protein per scoop and the EAS has 25 per 2 scoops) I've been adding a tablespoon of pure cocoa powder to it also which makes it even tastier! I then run it through my blender which gives it a really nice milkshake consistency so I almost feel like I'm cheating
I'm also worried about getting cranky when I'm hungry. I am a bear to deal with! I feel bad for my husband and kids! But in the end I know it's worth it so I'm going to do my best to stick to it. Also, OH is going to be my savior when I need support since there's no support groups here in town where I live. None even in the state that I've been able to find. So you guys will be seeing a lot of me! We'll all be a bunch of cranky people together!
As for my date coming up, when I had my consultation, they told me it would be about 3 months off, and back then, it seemed like it was soooo far away! But now it's less than 3 weeks away and I'm so nervous! Where are you having your surgery?
Hi. My name is Jenny and my surgery is Oct 14th. I start my liquid diet on the 29th- in 10 days. That is probably my biggest concern at this point. I've found protein shakes I like and have started replacing breakfast with them but still eating small lunches and dinner along with healthy snacks. I'm trying to stock up on all the things I'm allowed to have to get better prepared but still wondering how to make this transition easier myself. Looking forward to everyone's suggestions.
Hi Jenny!
The biggest thing I've done so far is cutting out the sugar, the carbs and the caffeine. Those have always been my biggest weaknesses. Sounds like you're off to a great start though!! This will be so much easier since you've already started making changes!
Hi Jenny! I have a 10 day pre op diet as well. My husband is so support, he is working hard at making sure I have everything I need. I just don't know what I will need. I've been reading up on this surgery for months and everyone has their own opinion of what works for them.
Hello everyone I am Matt,
My date is Oct 6th 2014 and my doctor started in on the pre-op diet on Sept 10th which is 1 shake in the morning, 1 for lunch, and a small amount of fish, chicken, or eggs and a salad for dinner and a shake for a nite snack. Let me tell you some thing when you are on this diet it SUCKS!!!! I have been on it for nine days and it is hard than when I was in boot camp in the military! So for this but that is how it is for me. It has its good days and then it has its BAD days. One of the problems for me is that I am 6'0" and HW 441 and start of the diet I was 438 am 433 now and I feel like I am as full as a tick from all the water I been drinking.
But any way please help me hang in there this is the hardest thing any of us have every done.
PS please add me to your friend list.
Hi Matt!
I couldn't agree with you more about this being the hardest thing any of us have ever done. Food has always been my comfort, it's always been there for me through thick and thin and to stop using it as a crutch is going to be tremendously hard for me. I start my liquid diet on the 22nd and I don't even get the foods for dinner!! I get protein shakes 4 times a day and all the water I can drink. I think I'm going to go insane!!
I'm glad we all have each other to lean on in this trying time though, without being able to talk to others who can relate and are going through the same thing we are, I believe it would be so much harder. HOORAY FOR OH!
Hi! I am so glad to have come across this group. My name is Susie and my surgery is October 15th. My husband is supportive, but we both wonder what that looks like. I have four sons from 19-9. The oldest two are away in school. I have not planned on telling the boys I am doing this procedure. It feels too personal or I am too afraid of failure.
I start my pre-op diet on Wednesday -- I find out what I have to do on Tuesday. I know the gist. I have done cleanses and things in the past. I am less worried about the drinking and more worried about peeing every 20 minutes. Plus sipping seems like it will be tough as I drink lots of water now.
Thanks again and I look forward getting to share with everyone.