OCT 2011 Sexy Sleevers!!
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Topic: RE: Liquid Diet from Hell
Yep. It sucks. I started the 3-day today and I've had 6 cups of Crystal Light and cup of beef broth so far.
I asked hubby to go grocery shopping for me.
I can't do it.
I asked hubby to go grocery shopping for me.
I can't do it.

on 10/15/11 1:43 am
on 10/15/11 1:43 am
Topic: RE: Surgery Date October 31st
Awesome! congrats on getting your surgery date! I'm also having surgery on the 31st. I'm always excited for everyone having surgery but feel especially excited for people having surgery on the same date as me. Somehow makes me feel closer. Crazy, i know. I start my two week liquid preop diet on Monday! Good luck and best wishes!!
Topic: RE: My Surgery is scheduled - Oct. 17th
I am scheduled for Monday as well. 11:50 surgery time with a 10:20 arrival time....the call on Friday with the times just made all of this so real. I am a ball of emotions, but just trying to stay calm, hang out with my son, and keep my mind from drifiting to the "what ifs."
Topic: RE: Liquid Diet from Hell
I just read the saying...nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Now I don't know how true that is yet, but I do know that I don't want to be fat anymore. With that being said, this liquid diet already sucks and I've only been on it since this morning...My surgery is Monday. My doc only requires a one day, but I decided on a two week, then a one week, then a two day....yep I keep coming up with excuses. Well today is it. Done with excuses, they are what got me here. So cheers to protein drinks, jello, popsicles, and darn broth. We can do this! Good luck!
Topic: Liquid Diet from Hell
Well I started my liquid diet, I am to be on liquids for 5 days before my surgery... me thinking "hey I can do one better than that I will do a full week" whats 2 more days right? Holy Cow!!! Why is it when ever you go on a diet everyone comes around with food... it drives me crazy! I then started thinking maybe all of the food was there the whole time and I just didnt pay that much attention and ate everything... So now that I am thinking about it this change may be a little harder than I anticipated BUT I am up for the challenge.
Topic: RE: Starting liquids tomrrow
Thanks! I've pretty much run the emotional rollercoaster to the end.
I'm ready.
I'm ready.
Topic: RE: Just joined this group and board - Oct 17th surgery
Mine is on the 17th as well....11:50am East Coast Time. I'm scared outta my mind but so crazy excited at the same time. Good luck to you.
Topic: RE: Sleeved and home :)
Your very welcome Acashmama, I will be praying for you, and ur new journey. Still have trouble with my walking, and sip sip sip :) but nothing I can't over come with God by my side.
Raquel Paramo
Raquel Paramo
Topic: Surgery Date October 31st
I am new here. I am scheduled for October 31st in Grand Rapids, MI. I had my pre-op appointment today. I have to eat their food for the 2 weeks before surgery. I'm hoping I don't get cranky! :)
Topic: RE: What are YOUR reasons...
I chose 11 because it has been aproximately 11 years since I last was healthy and in shape!
My 11...in no particular order:
1. To wear a bathing suit...without a cover up
2. To be in the FRONT of a picture, and not the back hiding
3. To shop with my BFF's, who are a size 8 and 6...(I won't be able to say "skinny women are evil" anymore...)
4. To no longer be in jeapordy of knee replacements at such a young age (I'm only 31)
5. To complete a Warrior Dash...and NOT be last
6. To sweat because it's actually hot...and not because I'm so out of shape
7. To have skinny sex
8. To skydive...I'm currently over the maximum weight limits
9. To be able to paint my own toes without feeling sufficated
10. To cross my legs
11. To do all of the outdoor activities my 5 year old can handle