OCT 2011 Sexy Sleevers!!
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I was SO concerned with protein that I couldn’t stop obsessing about using a premade or something made with powder… When I stopped freaking and and looked at all your ideas I thought.. hey stupid.. look at the protein in REAL ingredients!
Milk 8 grams of protein
Yogurt 16 grams of protein
frozen strawberries
That 24grams of protein that I like in one shake…
Thank you SO much for the ideas! Tomorrow I try it with tofu for a different kick!
As long as your are burning fat and in ketotis, you'll notice things are *different*. It won't last forever.
Be happy - it means you're burning fat.

Glad to hear your surgery had went so smooth. I am nervous my surgery is coming up real soon here. So how is your pain level?
I will be going for my leak test tomorrow very excited still I am glad I had this done. I am looking forward to going home on Monday but just to be in my own space. I have had a wonderful experience at Jerusalem Hospital in Tijuana They took such good care of us/me. I would recommend coming here to anyone. well have a good evening everyone time for bed.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)
They warn you when you have this surgery that your taste buds will like different foods. I took this with a grain of salt. Please how different could my taste buds be??
HOLY CRAP ….All the protein shakes I had approved PRE surgery now revolt me. I was advised I could eat saltines and even they taste weird!
I have lost my sweet tooth mostly for chocolate flavored sweets. My chocolate puddings.. yuck, my chocolate protein shakes, blech.
I tried vanilla yogurt, Greek has twice the protein. I actually liked the Chobani vanilla yogurt after surgery ( I wouldn’t touch it before) , it was not too sweet. So thinking they would all be the same today I tried Stoneyfield farms Oikos today and was nearly ill.. it was sickly sweet to me!
I then was like, well I can’t eat I might as well try this Gatorade protein drink … Kiwi strawberry recovery drink .. one sip and I knew I would not EVER buy it again.. I couldn’t even swallow it .. it was super sweet….Now I am a woman who normally makes her crystal light too sweet…and I eat popsicles like they are going out of business.
Luckily I still like eggs and ricotta, and ground meat mixed with spaghetti sauce and ricotta. And peanut butter is still tasty…but I need to find some protein liquid sources and SOON!
So tonights dinner.. spicy sausage with a little sauce and ricotta blended up … and I had to add salt… like a ridiculous amount.. my tastebuds no longer want sweet they want SALT. And even then I could only have a few bites when my new tummy won out over my tastebuds. (Tummy isn't ready for all that salt!)
This is gonna be a fun trip back to eating.
I have a vanilla shake to try tomorrow. Everyone cross your fingers!
I am on a clear liquid diet and it's driving me crazy lol! I am drinking G2 and Smar****er only. I can eat broth, saltine crackers, fat free pringles, sugarfree jello, which I'm getting sick of. This diet lasts for the first 2 weeks, then I move into puree foods (mashed potatoes, stage 1 baby foods, sugarfree applesauce, etc). I'm just ready to eat something, can't wait until next wednesday so I can eat some mashed potatoes :)
I wish I could have smooshie food but not yet. You didn't have to do a liquid diet?