
OCT 2011 Sexy Sleevers!!

Recent Posts

on 10/20/11 11:29 am - CO
Topic: RE: Back Pain?
I've had chronic for years. Laying on your back that long can definitely hurt.

Ask your surgeon when can go see a Chiropractor. That's what helps me. Also ask your surgeon if it's okay for you to use StopPain. It's just menthol - no NSAIDS, no Aspirin. It's a rollon and you only use it where you have pain.

I hope you feel better soon.

VSG 10/18/11      If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.-Dolly Parton



on 10/20/11 11:22 am - CO
Topic: Suggestions for a good surgery experience
Well I just went through my surgery and here are some things that really helped me.

This is my 3rd major surgery, so i kind of knew what to expect.

- Just relax
- If you tend to get nauseous easily (I do with anesthesia) make sure you tell the anesthesiologist. They gave me anti nauseia meds before I went into surgery and after I came out.
- Once you are moved to your recovery room, start sipping even if you are getting fluids through an IV.
- Walk as much as you can without making yourself too tired.
- Focus on fluids, but try some of the other stuff too. I found that sugar free jello was my best friend.
- Fart and burp - it helps a lot. I had one bout of gas pain between my shoulders and I just got up and started walking. It didn't take long to go away.
- Stay on the pain meds. It doesn't help your recovery to try to be tough and not take pain meds.
-Sip, sip, sip - Walk, walk, walk, Rest, rest, rest.

Good luck to everyone else.

VSG 10/18/11      If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one.-Dolly Parton



on 10/20/11 10:30 am - NY
Topic: RE: Hi
Congrats! I was sleeved on the 10/11/11  and I am excited as well. What kind of diet are you on at this point. Every doctor has his own recommendations, I am on a smooshie food diet and its going pretty well. Hope to see you on here often!
Success is not an option, its a requirement
on 10/20/11 10:26 am - NY
Topic: Back Pain?
So.. since I was in the hospital I have had on and off back pain. Presurgery , even at 316 pounds I never had a back issue. I was stuck in recovery for 6 hours on my back since there was an influx of emergencies which took up the rooms.

Anyway It hadn't been bad but yesterday it was really bothering me, today I figured I would put on my sports bras and take a leisurely walk to the library with my 4 year old, by the time I got home I though I was going to die! I took off my sports bras and laid down and took Tylenol since I was going to have to drive, when I got up an hour later to take my son to preschool I tried a different bra and took him out and then sat on my heating pad when I got home. After I picked him up we did a little running around and again by the time I got home it was killing me!  I took one of the medications they gave me for pain which helped but leaves me a bit zombified.

I am having little to no issue with the inscision sites or stomach its just my back. I plan on asking at my follow up appointment on the 25th but I was wondering if anyone else was having this issue?
Success is not an option, its a requirement
on 10/20/11 6:58 am - NC
Mini Gastric Bypass on 10/13/11
Topic: RE: Twelve Days of Waiting...10/31 surgery date
Hi all,

I just had surgery last week (10/13/11) and I had to wear compression socks while at hospital but didn't bring them with me home. I just try to walk for a few minutes a day (around 15 -20 not all at one time though) to circulate my blood to prevent blood clots. I didn't require a drain tube eiher. I had no leakage from my incisions.  Good luck on your surgery and keep us updated.

on 10/20/11 6:49 am - NC
Mini Gastric Bypass on 10/13/11
Topic: Hi
My name is Dawn and I'm new to the website. Looking to get all kinds of information to assist me with my weight loss journey. I had sleeve gastric bypass on 10/13/11. I'm very excited but know I need support from people who understand what I'm going through. Thank you in advance for all your comments, recipes and kindness :)

Sassy B
on 10/19/11 8:34 pm
Topic: RE: Smooshy food meals
Hey there! I am six days post-op, and am also looking for good full liquids meal ideas. Im currently eating cream of wheat quite a bit, and I jazz it up with a little sugar free maple syrup-pretty tasty and comforting.

I am also planning to try a protein ice cream treat, by blending protein powder with frozen cubes of milk and a little liquid milk and splenda... Has anyone else tried this before?


5'9", 31 year-old female pescetarian VSGer!   ///   Surgery by Dr. Steven Clark on 14-Oct-2012.

on 10/19/11 2:38 pm - NY
Topic: Smooshy food meals
I have been brainstorming all week trying to find stuff that won't make me keep missing the foods my family eats

Tonight they had spagetti and meatballs so I took a little 4 ounce cup and layered ricotta with turkey meatballs I had blended with a little spagetti sauce .. so I have 2 layers of ricota and 2 of my turkey meatball/sauce blend. (the meatballs were hot already) I popped it in the microwave for 90 seconds to heat up the ricotta and it was REALLY good.

I could only eat half of the 4 ounce portion because I am still in my first week of eating but I was so thrilled to be able to eat what they were eating.. sort of, I have saved the other half for lunch tommorow! Best part my new tummy LOVED IT.

I am also LOVING vanilla greek yogurt (NEVER though I would say that) unfortunantly it comes in 6 ounce containers but my son loves it as well so we split it! 

Scrambled eggs blended with some ricotta is my favorite breakfast so far, but tommorow I am making Cream of wheat for the kids and hubby so I am going to have some too with Splenda brown sugar (I didn't even know that existed!!!

I am really dealing with a feeling of loss over some old foods right now ( I know after the month of smooshies I will get some back) and having a SUPER hard time eating so slowly ....So inventing weird ways to get protein in is super fun for me. Any other ideas out there guys????

Success is not an option, its a requirement
on 10/19/11 2:28 pm - NY
Topic: RE: Surgery is finished!
yayyyyy! I thought the same thing! Much easier than my c-sections and a week out I am eating smooshy food now and have not vomited once (knock on wood) One food my body didn't like caused some tummy trouble but nothing too bad! 

Good Luck!
Success is not an option, its a requirement
on 10/19/11 2:25 pm - NY
Topic: RE: Twelve Days of Waiting...10/31 surgery date
I had to wear compression stockings after surgery  to keep from getting a blood clot. And no drains for me, but if you are doing it in Costa rica maybe they use an older surgery? I dunno I have not heard of anyone needing them unless there was a complication.. Good luck!!
Success is not an option, its a requirement