
OUR DAILY JOURNEY Weight Loss Support

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Our website was added in January 2016 and is a good, simple resource with links to this and many other sources.

Since 2009, OUR DAILY JOURNEY Weight Loss Support has offered personalized service, up-to-date information, and long-term results. We do this by providing free education and continuous motivation for people wanting to lose weight and maintain the loss. Most of our participants have had, or are considering, bariatric surgery. In the past few years we've drawn the attention of people who are using several other weight loss programs, have joined us, and found our group to be helpful. Our friends, family members and even counselors and doctors have joined in this journey. Membership is not restricted. Everyone is welcome. Endorsed by professionals, we are ordinary people helping ordinary people. (tm)
posted by Jamie_ODJwls.com on Apr 15, 2016 | Report Broken Link
CBD Oil for weight loss [currently pending]
his year is full of surprises, not all of them good ones. A global pandemic, mandatory quarantine, and economic downturn are having quite an impact on our moods and stress levels. To make ourselves feel just a little less anxious, we are turning to food for comfort. This means a lot of us have also put on some quarantine weight which is something we would all like to shed. While a healthy diet and exercise are certainly on the table, we can also rely on CBD for weight loss.
posted by on Jun 17, 2020 | Report Broken Link | Edit | Delete
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