Nashville Nutrition and Emotional Wellness

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Truly Trina
on 1/27/09 12:55 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: What's True About Nutrition?


 Nutrition...  by You're lovely, lets sing a song.

How can you trust information about nutrition when it seems to change every week? Does a glass of wine a day really protect against heart disease? Is butter or margarine better for you? Does a high fiber diet help prevent colon cancer? One day the answer to these questions may be yes, the next day, no, according to the latest scientific studies. Why do these studies seem to have conflicting information?


One reason is that in the past, scientists were the people who discussed nutrition research, and when enough evidence accumulated, these scientists made recommendations to the general public. However, journalists, radio commentators, TV talk show hosts, and many Web sites report findings of new nutrition studies. While it is important and necessary for the public to be informed about scientific issues, the mass media does not always provide the context from which scientists view new research. One study is often reported in a way that suggests a new nutritional truth has been unearthed. Scientists, however, know that one study proves nothing. To scientists, a study that challenges conventional nutrition guidelines means that more research needs to be carried out.

Now listen, this is the part I really want you to hear. Talk show hosts, clerks in health food stores, track coaches, proprietors of gyms, physicians lacking nutrition education (approximately three out of four) and people with miscellaneous Web sites may confidently dish out nutritional advice. These individuals, however, do not have the rigid and brutal academic training required to speak with authority about nutrition. Where, then, you might ask are the reliable sources of nutrition information?

You can trust information from publications and Web sites of professional nutrition organizations such as the World Health Organization, The United States Department of Agriculture, the American Academy of Nutritional Sciences, the American Dietetic Association, the Dietitians of Canada, and the Society for Nutritional Education. You also can trust the many newsletters published by nutrition departments of colleges and universities. Nutritionists and registered dieticians will provide accurate nutrition information-though their recommendations may differ in certain details depending on each professional's interpretation of current research.
Vegetables from the Garden by Somerslea.

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Bob L.
on 1/21/09 10:17 pm - Clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: supplements
Hi sorry for the slow response but I've found that Bariatric Advantage is the best Calcium Citrate I like the Cinnamon and Chocolate they are chewable.
I also like their Iron there is no Iron taste or smell I get the Strawberry Flavored. You should have or will get a hand out from your NUT. that will give you a online link to Bariatric Advantage and if you sign up for automatic every three month refill there is no shipping cost. The B-12 I like is made by Superior Source it's a very very small tablet that dissolves under the tongue, I find it at my local health food store.
You might need aVitiamin D and of course a Multi-Vitamin ask your NUT.
These are good quality my vitamin numbers always come back great, plus I really enjoy taking them they taste great.
The second NUT. apt. is one on one she will encourage you to stop the soda and straws as well as drink before during and after your meals. This is the time to start working on slow eating chewing 25-30 times.
I would also encourage you to start a daily journal(a three ring binder works great to stick your hand-outs in as well) marking your food and liquid intake as well as protein, take this with you to each apt. they do like lookiung it over it gives them a real sense of how your doing.
 Also don't get carried away with buying a lot of protein what you find tasty now might not be so after surgery, some how our taste buds change post-op???
Good Luck ask any questions if your not getting a quick enough response don't hesitate to pm me I'll see that quicker.
C'ya Bob

on 1/19/09 10:22 pm - Bell Buckle, TN
Topic: supplements
I am in need of some help.  I'm trying to find calcium, iron, and b12 supplements that are either chewable, powder, or sublingual.  I keep forgetting to take the calcium, and it's probably because i'm sick of swallowing 2 gigantic pills 3 times per day.  Also, what type of protein powder is everyone using?  I've been told to try and find one that can be heated so that I can add it to my food but I can't seem to find any besides the brand "Any Whey".  I'm trying to get all these things in order and as a routine before my surgery, but I'm getting more and more stressed out because there are so many different types of protein powder, supplements and it's making my head spin.  Also, I have found this specific cup that's called "lil sip mug"  Here's the link  I didn't know if anyone had an issue of swallowing too much liquid at one time that I should think about buying this, or does anyone have any other suggestions?  I guess I'm just paranoid and I don't want to get sick because I drank to much, but I want to make sure that I'm getting enough liquids.  So if anyone could offer me any advice(besides taking a big deep breath and knowing that things will be okay) I would really appreicate it.  Also, I am going for my second nutrition appointment at Vanderbilt on Thursday, has anyone been through Vandy to be able to tell me if the second nutrition appointment is better than the first?
on 1/19/09 5:10 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Topic: RE: Thank you for being a member
Thank you and Bob L  for giving of your time, love and knowledge. We love you both.  You both hold a special place in our hearts. myspace comments
MySpace Thank You CommentsBarb

on 1/19/09 4:55 am, edited 1/19/09 4:56 am - Goodlettsville, TN
Topic: RE: Transfer of addictions
Hey whatca mean,  when we were in the military our friends would come over and make comments about, well if we run out of room on the table and the bar we can go to floor.   I had one of our friend try'n to figure out how I could put a hole in the wall, and never measure  it, and it be right where it was supposed to be. Or how my cabinets stayed so orderly. And when we left quarters, our exit the only things the staff sgt found was a small thread from a rag that I used to clean the bathtub with. I can't clean like that as well anymore since all the weight gain. But I've noticed , and certain comments that some is com'n back. about how and where I place certain things. But of course there are other things that I'm not so adversed in open'n up about. It hurts, food of course ya'll know is one, and we will alway have that monkey on back, but we have to find another tree for it to climb on.  I wish that I had the energy to redo the house like I used to when Brian was at work. Wow thoughs were the days. There are so many things I want to do.  And summer is just around the corner, that will help. I thank that I've transferred all of my love for clean'n into cook'n and as well eat'n before my surgery.  In my mind it started out healthy, and some was, but it was mighty tasty!!! Sorry just rattle'n
Truly Trina
on 1/18/09 3:32 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: RE: Transfer of addictions

I know what you mean Erika. The topic is very painful. Thank you for your willingness and courage to post.

The same rings true in my family as well. You are either an alcoholic, morbidly obese, a workaholic, a shopaholic, a blooming idiot or the combination of all.

I think it would definitely be worth a try to attempt to aim your addiction to another more positive one but I have not been successful with that so I don’t know how to arm you with the knowledge to accomplish that.

Oh how wonderful it would be to have the OCD one about housework but I don’t think it works that way. LOL.. From my understanding you can’t pick and choose which area of OCD you want to have… If you got OCD then you’ve got to take all of OCD.. For example, Washers and Cleaners have an irrational fear of contamination. They obsess about diseases, germs, virus’s and so on. They live with the constant dread of becoming contaminated or contaminating others. They often wash their hands and clothes countless times a day, and after doing that they never feel clean or safe. That surely has to be so painful and agonizing.

This is so wonderful for you to bring up.

I am so excited about February 2nd. It will be here before we know it.

Try not to fear so much about things that may or may not happen. It will eat you alive. I know you see it happening all around you and you want to be able to prevent it from happening to you. You have a great healthy response and approach.

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



on 1/17/09 10:10 pm - clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: Thank you for being a member
Thanks for letting me join this awesome group and I wanted to say I look forward to meeting everyone and hearing their stories, because we all have a story to tell. I look forward to the road ahead and having you guys go down that road with me too success!
on 1/16/09 7:39 am - MT. JULIET, TN
Topic: Transfer of addictions
As pain full as this topic is for me, I need to talk about it.  In my family you are either an alcoholic, morbidly obese or a b****.  I'm really worried that I will simple switch my addiction.  Do you think I can "focus" or "aim" my addiction? Say, to OCD about housework or something constructive?

2Corinthians 5:7
Truly Trina
on 1/15/09 11:39 am, edited 1/15/09 11:46 am - Nashville, TN
Topic: Thank you for being a member
I hope all the members of Nashville Nutrition and Emotional Wellness are doing great. I appreciate you being a part of the group and I look forward to this WLS support group becoming more active and grow leaps and bounds. 

Bob L. has graciously agreed to help me with the group. If some of you are not familiar with Bob L. I encourage you to take a moment to view his profile. Bob is a WLS success and has been asked to participate in some of Vanderbilt Medical Center’s discussion panels consisting of various WLS surgeons and their colleagues. You can also visit Vanderbilt Weight Loss Surgery on line and view an article pertaining to his success.   

Bob and I share many views pertaining to WLS whi*****lude pre op, post op and the scary world beyond that. 

Please feel free to post a topic and engage in wonderful conversation. Remember, we are all in this together. There is no such thing as a stupid question. Your questions and comments are welcome here.  

I look forward to one day getting to meet each of you one on one. I already know a good majority of you fine folks and am thrilled at the prospect of having Nashville Nutrition and Emotional Wellness be the best WLS support group available.

   Trinafat05-19-06-1.jpg 100 x 75 picture by trina_davis_photoTrinaandBobbieJuly2008-1-2-1-1.jpg 63 x 100 picture by trina_davis_photo*Member of Student Dietetics*  *Certified support group leader Obesity Help*  Patient Rep support group moderator Vanderbilt Center Surgical Weight Loss
Start weight 277    Reached my goal weight 115



Bob L.
on 11/9/08 7:34 am - Clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: I am so happy to be home
Looking forward to helping out anyway you need. Haven't been very active lately due to concentration issues due to my accident and the TN. board seems so petty, hateful and just silly for the most part. I don't respond to the negative and try to start thought provoking conversations? I wish people would participate on those subjects like they do for some of the non-wls topics! Let me know. C'ya Bob
