Nashville Nutrition and Emotional Wellness

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Bob L.
on 2/4/09 12:40 pm - Clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: Question about dumping syndrome
cdouglas, It's my understanding that only RNY patients can have true dumping sense that is the only surgery that the duodenal valve has been removed allowing sugars direct access into the intestines. Even with that I've heard several people that say they have eaten large amounts of sugar with no dumping. I've dumped once, went out to eat and I believe the sauce had to much sugar in it. I did have the classic symptoms clammy, diarrhea, vomiting. So I think like heart attacks or any other condition not everyone will have classic symptoms. Hope that's as clear as mud! C'ya Bob 

Bob L.
on 2/3/09 9:18 am - Clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: Dr. Dunn
Sorry I don't know, I'm sure anyone at Vandy could tell you. C'ya Bob

on 2/3/09 5:13 am
Topic: RE: supplements
Could you post your schedule? I would be very interested. My husband and I did not know about the calcium-iron problem and he has been takin his supplements wrong for about 2 years now. I would like to get started taking them right also for my surgery.
on 2/3/09 5:03 am
Topic: Question about dumping syndrome
When my husband had his gastric bypass he did not think he had a problem with dumping because his symptoms were not severe. He did have some diarrhea and vomiting but not any of the other symptoms. After going for my nutrition class I found out that the symptoms do not need to be severe at all. Is this something that is individualized? What kind of problems might I experience with this? I am planning to go for the vertical sleeve.
on 2/1/09 11:45 pm - Bell Buckle, TN
Topic: RE: Dr. Dunn
Bob, That's the main reason for having this surgery.  Just the thought of being free from diabetes is so exciting I get goosebumps thinking about it.  I just want to hear a "yes" about the surgery and I think I'll be calmer.  On a side note, do you know if there are any vanderbilt support groups in the Shelbyville area?  I am current attending the support group that is sponsored by Centennial but it would be nice to have another one to go to.
on 1/31/09 6:20 am - MT. JULIET, TN
Topic: RE: Breathing Exercises
Hope you've been missing the bad weather!

2Corinthians 5:7
Bob L.
on 1/30/09 11:41 pm - Clarksville, TN
Topic: Peanut butter are you at risk???
As most have seen on the news lately the recall on Peanut Butter products from a manufacturer out of Georgia. According to the FDA this list continues to grow. The company produced a lot of peanut by products such as peanut paste used in a lot of Protein Bars. They advise to check the currant list on their web sit which is being constantly updated. They advise that several pet foods also contain peanut based products all though the Salmonella is not harmful to the pet they advised to wash your wands well after coming in contact with your pet foods. Not trying to alarm anyone just be knowledgeable and use caution. C'ya Bob

Bob L.
on 1/30/09 11:34 pm - Clarksville, TN
Topic: RE: Dr. Dunn
I can't tell you the number of test they kept putting me through, they just want everything to go as flawless as possible. You know as any of us that suffer from Diabetes how it complicates things so take it in stride and don't be surprised if they run other test or adjust your med's. The good news is that there is a very good chance your Diabetes post op will be in total remission. C'ya Bob 

on 1/30/09 11:09 pm - Bell Buckle, TN
Topic: RE: Dr. Dunn
Thanks Bob for calming my fears.  I just received a call and said that I had this appointment and I was scared that something might be wrong.  I e-mailed this Dr. Dunn and she told me that it may be because my sugar is so out of control, but it's not that bad!?!  So I'm hoping my appointment is just to work out my insulin regimine for the pre-op diet and such.
Bob L.
on 1/30/09 1:19 pm - Clarksville, TN
Topic: Breathing Exercises Part II
You know how you've been told that if you get upset count to 10 before speaking in anger. Well it should be said take 10 deep breaths before speaking, the oxygen added to the blood stream will stimulate clear thinking!
Another Breathing Exercise you might find relaxing.
1. Sit up straight, Exhale.
2. Inhale and, at the same time, relax the belly muscles. Feel as though the belly is filled with air.
3. After filling the belly, keep inhaling. Fill up the middle of your chest. Feel your chest and rib cage expand.
4. Hold the breath in for a moment, then begin to exhale as slowly as possible.
5. As the air is slowly let out, relax your chest and rib cage. Begin to pull your belly in to force out the remaining breath.
6. Close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing.
7.Relax your face and mind.
8. Let everything relax.
9. Practice about 5 minutes.
10. Now speak with a clear thought.
