Northwest Georgia OH Support Group
Recent Posts
Yes, I am still alive and doing well! I am ready to see if I can "jump-start our support group! I feel very confident that we ALL can get back on track !
I am 98 percent back to using my left arm and feeling much better! I have lost 103 pounds so far and I am in the stages of planing a consult with Dr. Fabio at the Houston OH Event in November! I am so excited! I wanna be a "Fabio" woman!
Enough about me! How is everyone doing? I have decided to have our meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm eastern standard time!
Next meeting will be August 16th a 7-8 pm e.s.t.! PLEASE join us and bring all of your questions, stories etc.. We will discuss any topic that is approached!
Hope you can join us!
Here is our meting dates:
October 27 8pm - 9pm
November 10th, 24th 8pm-9pm
I will send reminders out before meetings! Also, remember to use our group discussion board as you would like anytime!
Just wondering how many of you are attending? If you need more information let me know! I have a half price code that I am allowed to give out to all members of OH! I am trying to see who is coming so we can all meet at a certain spot that Saturday for a "Meet & Greet"!

I feel as though I'm alone on a desert island. I post, but there's no interactive response. (Correction, only once has there been an interactive response and I really appreciated that

Chatting is great, but we all need support between chats as well. I'd like to get to know you all better. I'd like to share your successes and challenges.

Hey Happy, how r u today? I am not there yet but you are very inspirational with that kind of thinking. I have been trying to get my pouch back to working or rather to start using my tool again and listening to it. I found a website here about getting back on track and for 5 days you do this pouch test. Day 1 & 2 only protein shakes and water or other SF bevs. Day 3- soft protein like tuna and canned chicken added Day 4-add cheese and harder meats-like hamburger or fish. low fat of course. Day 5-add meats like steak and chicken. No carbs.If you have a problem with the no carbs you can add a peice of fruit like melon. No slider type foods. I tried to start the shake only part, and did really great till the evening and then I just wanted to eat! It has really opened my eyes to how many carbs I have added back into my diet. So, I am on it SISTER! I am gonna keep trying till I get that resove that I need to get me off of this stall that I have been on for about 2 months, really. Up and down with the same few. 184-186.
Anyways I hope you have a Beautiful Sunday down in Florida. I think we are here in Texas. TTYL!
I'm at goal weight and, for the first time in my life, I feel confident I can maintain my weight loss this time as I know what I need to do. I have allowed myself a 3 lb cushion zone above and below my goal weight before I take corrective action. Well, for the first time since I reached my goal (again) after my surgery 3 1/2 + years ago on August 31 I have been out of my cushion zone. I was a pound under my under-goal-weight cushion zone. Dis I panic, did I fall into a deep depression, did I think I should add a ton of calories to correct it, did I even see it as a problem - of course not!!!! On the other hand, should that have been a pound over my over-goal-weight cushion zone, I would have done all those things (well, not add a ton of calories, but cut back my calorie intack drastically). Instead I saw it as some kind of fluke and decided to continue my planned adding 50 calories for the day (I'm adding 50 calories a day until I get to my maintenance goal of 1500 calories a day - I'm at 1400 on my way to 1500) My goal is to quit thinking of up as bad and down as good and just accept the fluctuations as normal (provided, of course they are within my cushion zones) I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it. Tomorrow I may go up and have to test my resolve.
Anyone else like this?

Seriously hun, I am glad to meet ya and am looking forward to sharing with ya! Hope your evening is wonderful! Hugs! Annette