Mediterranean Dietary Approach
Radio Program Today October 27, 2009 10:46 pm Hi everyone,
Be the first to leave a comment.My radio program is today (10/28) from 3-6pm EST. I will be speaking to a number of guests, but one of them is an acupuncturist. I'm going to be asking him about why it works, how it works, but also about the relationship between acupuncture and weight control. I would love for you guys to listen in, and even call in: 412-333-1360. The link to listen live is at You guys have a great day today, and please forward this to any you think would be interested. Will Clower
Obesity Help Event October 25, 2009 10:30 pm Went to the Obesity help event in New York. It was excellent, and fun, and full of positive energy.
Be the first to leave a comment.I have some thoughts on genes, experience, and the balance between the two in this audio. Looking forward to your thoughts!! Will
"Smart Choices" Labeling October 21, 2009 10:13 pm Good morning. Do you ever read something in the news and say, "WHAT??" That's EXACTLY how I felt when I read about the food industry's Smart Choices labeling program.
Be the first to leave a comment.Here is this morning's audio on Smart Choices labeling. Okay, here's the bottom line -- they want to convince you that Fruit Loops (with all the dyes, and despite the fact that it is 40% sugar by weight, dear lord) is actually good for you!! WHAT?? The point I want to make for us is that our Culture of Health creates this, allows this, and even encourages this. It's one of the factors that surround us and encourage us to make food choice decisions that are terrible for us. Well, now, and thank goodness, the FDA is looking into the health claims of the food industry people. The FDA suspects that the people foisting Fruit Loops as a health food might be (and this is just complete lunacy I know) MIGHT be misleading into giving our children food that is bad for them ... just for their profit margins -- gasp, can you imagine? The Smart Choices are likely not the "Smart Choices".
This morning October 20, 2009 6:34 pm I woke up wicked early ... my brain was ON. So I came down to clear my head and get some things done. Otherwise I'd just be up in my bed, awake, mentally tapping my foot until morning. Grumpy.
Be the first to leave a comment.I may not get to my audio recording because I have a health fair at 6:30am and another at 3:00pm. There's a great article on school lunch standards that I'd like to rip into ... if I can get to it. Have a great day today. Will
Piano Stairs, Activity, and Fun
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October 19, 2009 10:52 pm Hi Everyone,
Be the first to leave a comment.I love this ... they made "piano stairs" as a way to see if people would be more active (take the stairs more than the escalators) if they made it fun to do. Here is the audio from this morning. You guys have a great day today, and please forward this to any you think might be interested!! Will ![]() |