Morton Plant Mease Bariatrics
Welcome to the Morton Plant Mease Bariatrics!posted 4/4/11 11:31 pm
Good morning everyone! Recently I have spoke about my talent of throwing myself "pity parties" when I am thrown a curve ball in life. Is this not the very definition of a "journey"? Not a straight line, but those "curve balls" and "monkey wrenches" that are being thrown our way? So, if life is considered a journey, then why is it that we expect it to just continue on without change or "curve balls"? Is this not an unrealistic way of thinking? I believe, from my own experiences especially in dealing with obesity all of my life, that these unexpected turns, distractions, and "flying debris" in life are actually the fire that burns away our impurities and molds us into the person we were meant to be by our creator-not only mentally, but physically as well. Now, I would never push my beliefs on another, for that is something that each must discover on his own, but in my world, it is God who uses the trials of my life to mold me into a likeness that is more like Him. Of course, being the rebellious, food addicted person that I am, I go kicking and screaming, complaining and with a crabby attitude. Then, what usually happens in the end, is that I realize that my trials actually arm me with the weaponry that I may use to help another...and another....and another after that. Afterall, I believe that my difficulties with food addiciton and the obesity that followed as well as my struggles with my decision to have a gastric bypass in 2002 and keep the weight off were and still are all a part of the plan that God had for me all along so that I may help others in need with similar circumstances. And, friends, there are an awful lot of us. In fact, the incidence of obesity is statistically increasing with each passing year. Even worse, it is effecting more and more of our youth now as well. These young people, of which I have 3, watch our every move--and worse, they copy us! Is it a surprise, then, that since I have started to make healthier eating and activity choices, my 13 year old daughter has lost 14 pounds as well? So what am I saying here? I am simply saying that instead of my usual "rebellious" reaction to adversity, I must choose to embrace it so that I may evolve and grow more and more into the person that God has planned for me to be...and in doing so, I can help to mold others the same way.
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