Morton Plant Mease Bariatrics
This is your site June 30, 2011 12:32 am Good morning guys! I just wanted to be sure that you all understand my idea for this website group. I want this to be YOUR group. You may blog, chat, list photos...whatever you would like! As the group leader, I have set it up so that you may have some control over these things so feel free to explore and invite your friends! The more people we can help, the better for everyone. Attending a support group (or all of them) is highly encouraged but is not enough in my opinion. I think that is why the groups often run over time...folks want to share! This is awesome! Here is a forum for you to do just that. ENJOY!
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Choices May 27, 2011 5:39 am Seems the weeks just fly by, huh? Just think….your weight loss journey will fly by faster than you can imagine and making the right choices will quickly add up. Don’t forget, though, making the wrong choices will quickly add up as well! J
Actually, I shouldn’t say “making the wrong choices?. It is really that some choices are better than others and they can be circumstantial as well. For instance, if you are dining at the home of an acquaintance and have no say in your meal planning (or a business meeting, etc.), there may not really be many “healthy? options available. What should you do given this circumstance? Well, portion control is ALWAYS important, no matter what our choices so always exercise this. Then, choose as wisely as you can. If you can get salad dressings on the side, this will help you to be in control. If not, decrease your portion because salad dressing fat and calories can add up extremely quickly. If your main course has sauce, especially cream based sauce, ask to leave it off or if you cannot, then scrape it off! Be aware of vegetables that are prepared with butter or sauces as well. The bread? Push it far, far away and keep the butter or olive oil dish away as well. These tricks also apply to eating out, although on those occasions, one usually has some choice over what to order and even in the preparation ( “dry? baked potatoe-meaning no butter or toppings, sauce on the side, dressing on the side, grilled, no butter, etc.). Whatever you do, don’t fool yourself by rationalizing that you have no control. If nothing else, you can control how much goes into your body. Listen to the cues and stop eating when you just begin to experience that “full? feeling. Believe me, that feeling will become more pronounced within a few minutes of stopping. If you choose to eat beyond it, be prepared for the consequences: possible nausea, vomiting, dumping, etc. Then, the long term consequences-stretching that pouch, especially for bypass and sleeve patients who cannot go in for an adjustment. Folks, once it is stretched, it is stretched. That will make it harder to maintain your loss for the long haul-a lifetime.
Welcome to the Morton Plant Mease...
April 4, 2011 11:31 pm Good morning everyone! Recently I have spoke about my talent of throwing myself "pity parties" when I am thrown a curve ball in life. Is this not the very definition of a "journey"? Not a straight line, but those "curve balls" and "monkey wrenches" that are being thrown our way? So, if life is considered a journey, then why is it that we expect it to just continue on without change or "curve balls"? Is this not an unrealistic way of thinking? I believe, from my own experiences especially in dealing with obesity all of my life, that these unexpected turns, distractions, and "flying debris" in life are actually the fire that burns away our impurities and molds us into the person we were meant to be by our creator-not only mentally, but physically as well. Now, I would never push my beliefs on another, for that is something that each must discover on his own, but in my world, it is God who uses the trials of my life to mold me into a likeness that is more like Him. Of course, being the rebellious, food addicted person that I am, I go kicking and screaming, complaining and with a crabby attitude. Then, what usually happens in the end, is that I realize that my trials actually arm me with the weaponry that I may use to help another...and another....and another after that. Afterall, I believe that my difficulties with food addiciton and the obesity that followed as well as my struggles with my decision to have a gastric bypass in 2002 and keep the weight off were and still are all a part of the plan that God had for me all along so that I may help others in need with similar circumstances. And, friends, there are an awful lot of us. In fact, the incidence of obesity is statistically increasing with each passing year. Even worse, it is effecting more and more of our youth now as well. These young people, of which I have 3, watch our every move--and worse, they copy us! Is it a surprise, then, that since I have started to make healthier eating and activity choices, my 13 year old daughter has lost 14 pounds as well? So what am I saying here? I am simply saying that instead of my usual "rebellious" reaction to adversity, I must choose to embrace it so that I may evolve and grow more and more into the person that God has planned for me to be...and in doing so, I can help to mold others the same way.
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