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Topic: Your Financial Checkbook as Your Weight Loss Checkbook?
Have you ever thought of your food and exercise in terms of having a checkbook? It is different than a financial checkbook but functions somewhat similar.
Consider this....you are given a certain amount of calories each day to spend. You choose throughout the day to use the calories wisely in healthy choices, high in nutrition and reasonable calories. For example, let's say that you know you function best and to lose weight at a reasonable rate you can eat 1,500 calories per day. So, in your checkbook for the day, you'd record 1,500 calories and then deduct from that amount (like you do checks) when you eat throughout the day. If you have calories left over from your daily food intake, those add up to additional weight loss.
Now, exercise comes into the picture by creating a bonus of additional calories spent to the total nutrition/exercise figure for the day in your checkbook. For example, let's say that you used 1,200 calories of your alloted 1,500 calories for the day equalling a 300 calorie difference to apply to your weight loss efforts. The exercise returns an additional 200 calories that you expended by your activity. That would give you a total of 500 extra calories toward your weight loss.
Just as financially responsibility is attained, we record our deposits and checks into our checkbook, become equally responsible for your nutritional intake and exercise and the overall responsibility for your weight loss and health.
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
Consider this....you are given a certain amount of calories each day to spend. You choose throughout the day to use the calories wisely in healthy choices, high in nutrition and reasonable calories. For example, let's say that you know you function best and to lose weight at a reasonable rate you can eat 1,500 calories per day. So, in your checkbook for the day, you'd record 1,500 calories and then deduct from that amount (like you do checks) when you eat throughout the day. If you have calories left over from your daily food intake, those add up to additional weight loss.
Now, exercise comes into the picture by creating a bonus of additional calories spent to the total nutrition/exercise figure for the day in your checkbook. For example, let's say that you used 1,200 calories of your alloted 1,500 calories for the day equalling a 300 calorie difference to apply to your weight loss efforts. The exercise returns an additional 200 calories that you expended by your activity. That would give you a total of 500 extra calories toward your weight loss.
Just as financially responsibility is attained, we record our deposits and checks into our checkbook, become equally responsible for your nutritional intake and exercise and the overall responsibility for your weight loss and health.
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: Reach Your Goals for Habits and Success
"The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them." -Og Mandino
I love quotes that are meaningful. They are short yet direct and to the point. We talk about what we want but does it stop at the talk? You can talk about the things you want all you'd like but success is created when you follow through with actions. From actions, you obtain achivement and the results of success that you want.
It isn't enough to set goals. Commit them to paper or on your computer. Someplace that you see them and can refer to them easily. When you commit them by noting them someplace, you are already putting them into action. Create a plan with steps or mini-goals to get you to the ultimate goal you want.
Another thing....along the way to creating goals and steps to reach them, you'll pick up habits. Habits also get you to your goals and successes. Double WIN!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
I love quotes that are meaningful. They are short yet direct and to the point. We talk about what we want but does it stop at the talk? You can talk about the things you want all you'd like but success is created when you follow through with actions. From actions, you obtain achivement and the results of success that you want.
It isn't enough to set goals. Commit them to paper or on your computer. Someplace that you see them and can refer to them easily. When you commit them by noting them someplace, you are already putting them into action. Create a plan with steps or mini-goals to get you to the ultimate goal you want.
Another thing....along the way to creating goals and steps to reach them, you'll pick up habits. Habits also get you to your goals and successes. Double WIN!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: Financial Roller Coaster
Like many Americans, I watched news coverage regarding what is going on with the financial state of our economy in our country. Financial consequences for each of us and also our children and future grandchildren or great grandchildren.
My point is not political or to state an opinion. It is to show the need to grab on in times of uncertain for something you can count on. We need to feel under normal cir****tances and especially now.
The one thing you can definitely count on is yourself. When you exercise, you receive the payoff immediately and also in the future. When you eat nutritionally, you also receive those payoffs immediately and into the future. For me, investing in my inner self through coaching with my own coach has been one of the best investments I've ever made. I can honestly say that I am truly peaceful and happy inside. Those payoffs depend only on you. No outside institutions or governmental agencies but YOU!
Make the best investment ever - YOU!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
My point is not political or to state an opinion. It is to show the need to grab on in times of uncertain for something you can count on. We need to feel under normal cir****tances and especially now.
The one thing you can definitely count on is yourself. When you exercise, you receive the payoff immediately and also in the future. When you eat nutritionally, you also receive those payoffs immediately and into the future. For me, investing in my inner self through coaching with my own coach has been one of the best investments I've ever made. I can honestly say that I am truly peaceful and happy inside. Those payoffs depend only on you. No outside institutions or governmental agencies but YOU!
Make the best investment ever - YOU!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: Forget to eat? Huh???
Okay, don't use your "back" button to leave! Forget to eat? Huh? As a long-term post-op, my hunger returned after my surgery years ago.
This week, I've been swamped. Between work, trainings, meetings, moderating a professional roundtable discussion meeting last night, coaching, coach classes, I haven't had much time to even refill my water glass!
One of the things that kicks in my head hunger and becons me to my kitchen is boredom. Don't get me wrong, I have PLENTY to do when I'm bored. It is just that I don't want to do those things (notice I sound like a 2-year old in a temper tantrum!! Ugh). Eating becomes a hobby, a recreational sport and a way to pass time. Food is to be used as body fuel rather than fulfillment.
This week being so busy with the things that I love yet completely filled my time and thoughts, I didn't think of eating at all. Actually, I was so busy having fun with work and coaching, I forgot to eat. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner! That hasn't happened in a long time.
This experience reinforced the fact that when you feed your insides with things you love and enjoy doing, food becomes fuel and not a way to feel fulfilled. Boredom is truly a choice. I choose NOT to allow myself to feel bored. Feel fulfilled and you don't turn to food to feel full.
I just love how life gives you these lessons or reinforcements/reminders of what you may or may not already know.
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
This week, I've been swamped. Between work, trainings, meetings, moderating a professional roundtable discussion meeting last night, coaching, coach classes, I haven't had much time to even refill my water glass!
One of the things that kicks in my head hunger and becons me to my kitchen is boredom. Don't get me wrong, I have PLENTY to do when I'm bored. It is just that I don't want to do those things (notice I sound like a 2-year old in a temper tantrum!! Ugh). Eating becomes a hobby, a recreational sport and a way to pass time. Food is to be used as body fuel rather than fulfillment.
This week being so busy with the things that I love yet completely filled my time and thoughts, I didn't think of eating at all. Actually, I was so busy having fun with work and coaching, I forgot to eat. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner! That hasn't happened in a long time.
This experience reinforced the fact that when you feed your insides with things you love and enjoy doing, food becomes fuel and not a way to feel fulfilled. Boredom is truly a choice. I choose NOT to allow myself to feel bored. Feel fulfilled and you don't turn to food to feel full.
I just love how life gives you these lessons or reinforcements/reminders of what you may or may not already know.
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Certified Back On Track Facilitator
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: Feel It and Do It Anyway!
I love this quote:
"You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
I took flying lessons to become a licensed private pilot seven years ago. When I would walk up to the plane for my solo flights, I felt as though I was walking up to my death! I was absolutely petrified to fly alone. All of the "what ifs" would play over and over in my head.
I loved flying with my flight instructor. I knew if I messed up that he was there to pull me/out and make it okay. It wasn't the flying that petrified me, it was doing it on my own. Doing it along without a safety net of my flight instructor.
After a period of time when clearly playing the "what ifs" over and over in my head as I walked up to the plane, I did something else. I ran across this quote and it described what I felt. As I walked up to the plane, I would play over and over "Feel the fear and do it anyway." It didn't take away the fear but it certainly reframed it to an empowering feeling rather than walking to my death! How 180 degrees is that??
Long story short, I got in all of my solo flight time, went on my solo short and long trips and satisfied all of the requirements, extensive oral exam and flight exam with a FAA examiner - all with FEAR. I used that phrase many times to help me to acknowledge my feelings but to move forward anyway.
It worked! My FAA examiner told me that I was one of the best orals that he ever had tested and I passed my flight test with flying colors to become a licensed private pilot.
I still use that phrase today. It works. It works whether it is with a difficult situation with someone, a conflict, or an upsetting issue. We all feel fear to some degree along with other emotions. Rather than turn to food to numb and take the edge off of our emotions, try to use the phrase of feel the feelings and do it anyway. I am proud and so thrilled even today that I accomplished the very challenging flight school and the requirements to become an FAA licensed private pilot. Think of all of the other amazing accomplishments we can bring into our lives by acknowledge your feelings and move forward anyway!!
So, my thoughts regarding flying were when I flew solo, I didn't have the safety net of my flight instructor. When I'm living my life faced with a difficulty or uncomfortable emotion, I don't have the safety net of eating to comfort myself. I did it and am now a licensed pilot. I did not and am now a successful weight loss surgery post-op. While not all of us want to become pilots, we can all and are successful wls post-ops!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Back On Track Facilitator
"You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do. Feel the fear and do it anyway.
-Eleanor Roosevelt
I took flying lessons to become a licensed private pilot seven years ago. When I would walk up to the plane for my solo flights, I felt as though I was walking up to my death! I was absolutely petrified to fly alone. All of the "what ifs" would play over and over in my head.
I loved flying with my flight instructor. I knew if I messed up that he was there to pull me/out and make it okay. It wasn't the flying that petrified me, it was doing it on my own. Doing it along without a safety net of my flight instructor.
After a period of time when clearly playing the "what ifs" over and over in my head as I walked up to the plane, I did something else. I ran across this quote and it described what I felt. As I walked up to the plane, I would play over and over "Feel the fear and do it anyway." It didn't take away the fear but it certainly reframed it to an empowering feeling rather than walking to my death! How 180 degrees is that??
Long story short, I got in all of my solo flight time, went on my solo short and long trips and satisfied all of the requirements, extensive oral exam and flight exam with a FAA examiner - all with FEAR. I used that phrase many times to help me to acknowledge my feelings but to move forward anyway.
It worked! My FAA examiner told me that I was one of the best orals that he ever had tested and I passed my flight test with flying colors to become a licensed private pilot.
I still use that phrase today. It works. It works whether it is with a difficult situation with someone, a conflict, or an upsetting issue. We all feel fear to some degree along with other emotions. Rather than turn to food to numb and take the edge off of our emotions, try to use the phrase of feel the feelings and do it anyway. I am proud and so thrilled even today that I accomplished the very challenging flight school and the requirements to become an FAA licensed private pilot. Think of all of the other amazing accomplishments we can bring into our lives by acknowledge your feelings and move forward anyway!!
So, my thoughts regarding flying were when I flew solo, I didn't have the safety net of my flight instructor. When I'm living my life faced with a difficulty or uncomfortable emotion, I don't have the safety net of eating to comfort myself. I did it and am now a licensed pilot. I did not and am now a successful weight loss surgery post-op. While not all of us want to become pilots, we can all and are successful wls post-ops!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Back On Track Facilitator
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: Reach Your Success One Choice At A Time
I posted this on my blog but I wanted to share it also on my OH Group too. I think it is an important component to attaining and maintaining our weight loss success.
Success is determined by the choices we make. Of course, the big choices but most importantly are the small choices we make every day.
Do the stresses and problems that come up sometimes get to you? I know they do for me sometimes. As much as we would like to have problem-free lives, everyone experiences crises that test their coping skills. Many people turn to food in times of stress because it can provide a temporary distraction, replenish energy and induce a feeling of calm. Unfortunately, eating in response to crisis usually results in weight gain, which creates its own cycle of depression and anxiety. I know I'm not telling any of you anything you don't already know.
Because stress is often a common precursor to overeating it's important to become a good healthy crisis manager. Instead of having the label of "I'm a STRESS EATER or I'm an EMOTIONAL OVEREATER" How powerful would it be to create the label, "I'm a stress exerciser" or "I"m an Emotional OverExerciser" Yeah, I know it's a stretch, but I can tell you I'm slowly becoming a crisis EXERCISER. Having to deal with my previous challenges these past couple of years I made a decision to keep an "emergency" pair of tennis shoes in my trunk and I've CHOSEN to use those emergency pair of tennis shoes on many occasion due to extreme stress and crisis.
So, where I used to pull into the nearest drive-through for some comfort foods, walk through the local convenience store for a smorgasbord of snacky, junk foods, now the lacing up of my shoes is slowly becoming a better comfort than ANY food ever could.
Success from weight loss surgery obviously happens as a result of our tool of the surgery. However the real success happens in our choices - one choice at a time. We choose to use our tool of the surgery. Choose it as your partner in losing weight, maintaining your weight, and finding all the wonder of living your best life in fulfilling your goals and dreams.
Progress and CHANGE can happen. One choice at a time!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Back On Track Facilitator
Success is determined by the choices we make. Of course, the big choices but most importantly are the small choices we make every day.
Do the stresses and problems that come up sometimes get to you? I know they do for me sometimes. As much as we would like to have problem-free lives, everyone experiences crises that test their coping skills. Many people turn to food in times of stress because it can provide a temporary distraction, replenish energy and induce a feeling of calm. Unfortunately, eating in response to crisis usually results in weight gain, which creates its own cycle of depression and anxiety. I know I'm not telling any of you anything you don't already know.

Because stress is often a common precursor to overeating it's important to become a good healthy crisis manager. Instead of having the label of "I'm a STRESS EATER or I'm an EMOTIONAL OVEREATER" How powerful would it be to create the label, "I'm a stress exerciser" or "I"m an Emotional OverExerciser" Yeah, I know it's a stretch, but I can tell you I'm slowly becoming a crisis EXERCISER. Having to deal with my previous challenges these past couple of years I made a decision to keep an "emergency" pair of tennis shoes in my trunk and I've CHOSEN to use those emergency pair of tennis shoes on many occasion due to extreme stress and crisis.
So, where I used to pull into the nearest drive-through for some comfort foods, walk through the local convenience store for a smorgasbord of snacky, junk foods, now the lacing up of my shoes is slowly becoming a better comfort than ANY food ever could.
Success from weight loss surgery obviously happens as a result of our tool of the surgery. However the real success happens in our choices - one choice at a time. We choose to use our tool of the surgery. Choose it as your partner in losing weight, maintaining your weight, and finding all the wonder of living your best life in fulfilling your goals and dreams.
Progress and CHANGE can happen. One choice at a time!
Believe In Yourself,
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Back On Track Facilitator
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: RE: Walk in the Fall
I like to walk in the morning usually at 5:00 am. You must walk fast cause of the crisp temps. And it give me time to think and to be thankful for what I have accomplished. And what I might get accomplished.
Topic: RE: Self-Esteem and Body Image Connection
Hi Jimmy,
I have a secret.......I learn from leaders and members too. We all give to each other. I'm glad that you liked the topic and my post.
You are
I have a secret.......I learn from leaders and members too. We all give to each other. I'm glad that you liked the topic and my post.
You are

Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: Walk in the Fall
I love the Fall. It is my favorite season. I like the cooler, crisp weather and the beautiful transition of the leaves on the trees. It reminds me that change is a good thing.
Take advantage of the change in seasons to rejuvenate your fitness routine and start walking. Walking is one of the best ways to shed belly fat, in less time than you think. Just a couple of hours of brisk walking a week (only 20 minutes a day) will shrink your stomach in a month to month and a half. Only 20 minutes a day? Who doesn't have that time to make measurable changes like that?
Change your life by changing your habits. Walking it off is a fun habit yet one that produces great results. Walk it out!!
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Back on Track Facilitator
Take advantage of the change in seasons to rejuvenate your fitness routine and start walking. Walking is one of the best ways to shed belly fat, in less time than you think. Just a couple of hours of brisk walking a week (only 20 minutes a day) will shrink your stomach in a month to month and a half. Only 20 minutes a day? Who doesn't have that time to make measurable changes like that?
Change your life by changing your habits. Walking it off is a fun habit yet one that produces great results. Walk it out!!
Cathy, CLC
Certified Life Coach, Weight Loss Surgery Coach
Back on Track Facilitator
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: RE: Self-Esteem and Body Image Connection
Ms. Cathy. Very nice topic keep up your vast knowledge so I'll be informed. jimmy