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Great one! Nice way to start the day! Thanks.

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Daily Inspiration for April 6, 2010
Fake it 'til you make it.
Your life has changed dramatically in a short period of time. Whereas your days prior to surgery probably consisted more of survival techniques than anything else, your life post surgery embraces new opportunities.
Do you treat your new life as an opportunity or as a challenge? Do you face each moment with hope? Do you encourage yourself with words like, "I am getting better every day in every way?" Do you face each moment with confidence knowing that each challenge you overcome makes you stronger and healthier? Resolve to believe in your abilities today.
Action for the day: Today is a "fake-it-'til-you-make-it" day. Act as if you are confident and hopeful. Sometimes this new attitude takes quite a bit of practice, but eventually you WILL make it.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com.
Thanks! I'm so glad you're a member of my Group!! Nice to see you here too.
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Here's one I wanted to share with all of you too!
"Before you struggle to get what you don’t really want, stop. Consider what an exquisite miracle you already are." -Ralph Marston
For me, this quote essentially says that even though we may have more to lose, want to lose a weight regain, take our focus off what we don't want but focus on what we've already done. If you have lost 100 pounds but have 50 to go, don't focus on the 50 but celebrate and really give yourself huge recognition for the 100.
Have a great day! Thanks for being in my OH Group!
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"When you've successfully accomplished something once, you know you can do it again. So do it again, only bigger and better." -Ralph Marston
Have a great weekend!!
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First off - welcome to OH and thanks for joining my OH Group. I know you'll find lots of support and information.
It is good that you are questioning whether to have weight loss surgery. It is a big step. I went through the same process as you are. It is smart that are questioning and weighing the pros/cons.
My suggestions are to visit the surgical boards and check out what members say, make a post as you did here, and make an appointment with surgeons to talk about your medical history and your decision. Make sure that you see a surgeon that is with a Center of Excellence (COE).
Again, a big WELCOME!!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
I guess the only thing currently holding me back is my brain, I think I'm sure and then I think.....wait have I really tried everything??? I know I have but I also no that any surgery is a risk. If you have any advice/ think you can help me or think that I can help you in any way please feel free to friend me.