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Another "gem" from you!! I love the part about each of us being a precious gem.
Thanks!! Cathy
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Thanks for joining my OH Group and your post so we can welcome you.
Wow, congratulations on your amazing success. I hope you'll share about your "reward surgery" (plastic surgery).
Again, welcome and congrats!!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Your affirmation recordings on your MP3 player and CD are fabulous ideas. I hadn't thought of doing that before. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas. I'm going to do those things too. I'm excited just thinking about them.
You are so right about teaching our kids and being a role model for them. That alone keeps me inspired so they don't have to travel the journey of struggling with weight and an unhealthy relationship with food.
You made my day!!
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I have a daily affirmation that is about 5 minutes long that I've set to music and is a slide show of motivating (for me) photos, and images.
I also have a recorded message that I burned to CD and on my MP3 player that I can listen to whenever I need it. I have my goals listed on it. Inspiring, postive phrases that help to keep me focused and keep me on track. As I achive a goal I update the affiramtion, and recording to include that to help me know that I've achived this and this and that nothing is impossible.
You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them. ~Michael Jordan
My Goals:
3) 170lbs
4) Run 5K
"Unneeded food is not any less wasted in a body that doesnt need it, than it is in the trash." ~Brandilynn
"Those that will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." ~William Penn


Daily Inspiration for February 13, 2010
Appreciate imperfection.
Some of the most precious gems in the world have flaws that do not diminish their worth. When a diamond is a deep yellow or brown, it is considered more valuable. So, what you might assume is a serious flaw is really a great strength.
Do you judge yourself by impossible standards? Do you berate yourself for lack of perfection? Your flaws make you unique and precious. Your sensitivity means you are compassionate. Not looking perfect makes you approachable. Surviving pain brings others hope. You are not a worthless rock; you are a precious gem.
Action for the day: Think of three people you admire. In your journal, describe their flaws. How do their flaws make them unique and precious? What flaws might people appreciate in you?
© 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
Because of my Weight Loss Purpose Statement, I've been thinking a lot about emotional eating. A couple of weekends ago, my family (husband and two sons and I) just hung out together. We watched some movies, went out and just spent time together. It was wonderful. My heart was so full. As a result of my heart being full, guess what - my "head hunger" was completely silent. I was so fulfilled by spending time with my family that no food issues were present the entire weekend. We didn't go on vacation, to an amusement park or nothing big. We just spent a fun time doing errands, watching a couple of movies and being together.
I've been giving lots of thought as to what fills me up? A true fullness. Obviously since my family started this questioning of myself, my family is first on my list. Other things fill me up as well. So, I wanted to share and post here with you - what fills you up?
Thanks for sharing!
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