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I'm with you! I am NO Martha Stewart by any means. Although I can chop a few veggies and get the benefits of beauty in the kitchen.
Thanks for posting here. You are always so enlightening and motivational!
Hugs, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

Seriously, you know I don't cook - but that doesn't mean I don't do my best to make wise, healthy choices. REALLY, one can do that and nuke

I LOVE this one! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to keep this one to refer to.
Hugs, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
A few food facts:
6 leaves of romaine lettuce each day provides Vitamin A to revitalize your skin.
Eating red helps your skin from turning red - eat tomatoes!
1 cup of strawberries, 130% of Vitamin C. Strawberries also help your skin from sagging.
Apples (and their peel) help protect you from UVB rays.
Soy improves wrinkles and firmness (edamame).
Eggs contain 2 antioxidants that help to shield UV damage and provide hydration for your skin.
Dark chocolate hot chocoa rejuvenates your complexion.
I know what I'm eating today!! Have a fabulous Friday!
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Daily Inspiration for April 8, 2010
Respect yourself.
If your self image is built on self respect, and not on the tenuous respect of others, then you are invincible. When you base how you feel about yourself on what others think, then you go into the world vulnerable. And no one gets through this life without criticism or unkind words directed at them from time to time. No one.
Be yourself. Be the person you want to be. Be a person you can respect. How do you do that? Identify your values and live by them. When you develop a track record of meeting your own standards, then no matter what negative comments come your way, they bounce off you and you are not so deeply hurt. People treat each other poorly out of jealousy and out of their own poor self image. When someone puts you down, they are attempting to elevate themselves. Don't let them get to you.
Action for the day: In your journal, make a list of your values and the standards by which you want to live. Work on living up to your own ideals. Impress only yourself.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com.
Thanks! and good for you also!!! The weather is helping put me in a better frame of mind. Keep up the good work!
It is so strange to me that I feel so great yet I will allow something small to cause me to detour off my highway of momentum.
Anyway, I'm giving lots of thought to my Weight Loss Purpose Statement that I'm doing on my blog. If any of you have any thoughts, comments or insights you'd like to share, please do as I would appreciate it. I know a lot of people are doing it along with me so I want to do the best in this project possible.
Thanks!! Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
That is great!! Good for you. It is amazing to me how different I feel when I am following my healthy habits of activity and nutrition. I feel so much better inside and outside!!
My week is going really great. Like you, I'm on track for my nutrition and activity goals. The weather is really nice so I'm going to get outside and walk my dog after work.
Take care, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!