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Hugs, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
This is so true - it is such an unfair comparison when we compare our insides to others' outsides or, as your post describes as an "illusion."
Thanks again!!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
Katie Jay, MSW
Have fun now; it's later than you think.

Fun is not only for children. Fun can be found by anyone in any moment of the day. Having fun is a choice. Even at the most horrible job, fun can be had if it is just imagining bunny ears growing out of the boss's head.
Laughter will lift your spirits and keep you young. It will improve your health. Find fun where you can. Write a note to stick in your child's or spouse's lunch bag. Have spice tea instead of plain. Spontaneously tickle someone you love. Buy flowers. Do things you know will make you smile.
Action for the day: What are you waiting for? If your life is nothing to smile about, spend some time reviewing your typical day. How can you add some fun? Make a list of things (small and large) that you can do to inject fun into your life.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at www.nawls.com.
Weight Loss Surgery Support:
Daily Inspiration for April 14, 2010
Share, don't compare.
Do you think other people have more fun than you? More stuff? An easier life? That is not always true. Most everyone has problems and challenges, just like you. It may seem that everyone else is doing better with their weight loss. You may think they look better or are having an easier time of things.
Maybe they are struggling with something like temptation, forgetfulness, or missing their vitamins or protein. It's commonplace for people to put on a good face in public--they create an illusion. Try not to compare yourself to others. Comparisons serve no healthy purpose. You are on your own journey. This is the time to band together with others who are on a similar path and share support. Share, don't compare.
Action for the day: Resolve to accept where you are on your journey, and don't compare yourself to others today. Instead, get support and plan your next steps--striving for progress, not perfection. © 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery.
Thank you VERY much for posting these and especially this one. I appreciate you very much! :)
Hugs, Cathy
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!