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One of the things I've learned it to create a pause. Make myself, force myself to pause. If I give myself a moment of pause to process and talk myself through whatever is going on, I can arrest that trigger to emotionally eat.
So, I've developed the Stop-Look-Listen method for my clients. I force myself to Stop (create the pause), Look (what's going on to cause this urge to emotionally eat) and Listen (what do you need to do to take care of yourself, your emotions or the situation).
Write it on a sticky note and post it on your refrigerator or your computer. Any time you're tempted to reach for a snack instead of handling your real issue, first do what it says on your note. Then proclaim victory over your challenge and skip the snack.
It's a trap! It isn't hunger, it is hoping for a bit of relief from something in your day. Food is quicker and easier than dealing with the real issue.
Thinking is a lot of work! Sometimes the emotions are so intense we want to jump out of our skin, right? If we sit with our emotions or the situations, they will pass. However, the effects of emotional eating don't pass but translate into extra weight. Sometimes, we just don't want to bother with figuring out our emotions. But in many situations, the trade-off of NOT thinking is overeating.
The next time you have that immediate feeling of "I have to eat" changes are it isn't true hunger. Hunger doesn't come on that way but emotional hunger does. Try my Stop-Look-Listen and see if it works for you.
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I am hopeful that the third one will make a big difference. Never again will I take the simple activities of going to the grocery store for granted. Physically, my life has become so limited due to the herniation in my neck.
The flip side of all of this is that it has caused me to obtain a sense of well-being in other areas of my life. I have immersed myself in my coaching, work, and my family. When my herniation is resolved in whatever way, I will always appreciate physical activity, exercise and movement.
I am considering my physical situation temporary (hopefully) yet the benefits I've obtained in other areas of my life are long-lasting. Hey, that's an example of turning lemons into lemonade!
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I checked the nutritional breakdown and it all checked out as far as health levels. However, the ingredients include one that my body (and many wls RNY patients) causes a dump. That experience showed me the critical importance of not only reading the nutritional breakdown but going even further to the ingredient list.
Do you know that the first three ingredients comprise the majority of what the item is made of?
A survey released today by the Nielsen Co. found that 65% of American consumers say they notice information on food packaging more often compared to only two years ago.
Sixty-seven percent of U.S. consumers claim to mostly understanding what they are reading compared to 44% world-wide. That leaves a third of the U.S. and more than half the world wondering exactly what Sodium Benzoate and other ingredients and metrics actually mean.
"The relationship between consumers and nutritional information and labeling provides unmistakable insight into health and diet concerns," said Deepak Varma, svp-Nielsen Customized Research in a statement. Nielsen, which owns Brandweek, polled 28,253 Internet users in 51 markets in April.
More than half (51%) of U.S. consumers always check fat content followed by 48% who always check the calories and 44% who look at the sugar content. Sodium (37%), carbohydrates (35%) and even gluten (9%) are among key concerns.
Forty-two percent of U.S. consumers said they check a product's label when buying it for the first time. Eight percent said they never read labels.
You are what you eat so know what you are eating!
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This is fabulous information and very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing it on our Board.
Best regards, Cathy
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I've been stressing the importance of vitamin D in the past to many, including my wife. My wife found this in a recent health insert to a local newpaper, by tow doctors:
PAIN CONTROL: A fascinating study from the Mayo Clinic published last month online (article was from June) in the journal Pain Medicine looked at vitamin D levels in people with chronic pain. They found that those patients who had low vitamin D levels required twice as much narcotic pain medication compared to those with normal levels. The vitamin D deficient folks also perceived their health as poor. Another study from the Mayo Clinic in 2003 looked at the prevelance of vitamin D deficiency in people aged 10-63 with chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue--93 percent of them were found to be vitamin D deficient.
HEART BENEFITS: A study published last month in the journal Circulation looked at the impact of vitamin D blood levels on heart health in people with high blood pressure. Participants in the study with low vitamin D levels were two times as likely to have angina, a heart attack. or heart failure and stroke compared to those with normal vitamin D levels.
Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
Well, here I go again. Have you ever considered yourself a WLS Athlete? After watching the Olympics Opening Ceremony last night, I see strong similarities.
Wow, did you see the Olympics Opening Ceremony last night? We had a family night and watched it together. I was mesmerized by the magnificence of it all. The precision, choreography and the dedication of all the participants was beyond anything I've ever seen. As I watched it, I thought of all the hours upon hours of practice and rehearsing it took to give us the show of a lifetime. What a thrill it must have been for those people in the show to have been part of it. Not only was it a show of a lifetime but the experience of a lifetime.
As I look at so many weight loss surgery patients, OH members and my phenomenal clients, I see the same dedication and commitment. We don't have a world-wide audience like the athletes had last night. We have a more important audience in ourselves and living our life.
As impressed as I was and will always remember that performance, I am equally impressed with myself as a wls patient and other OH members and my wls clients. We are living the show of our lives every day.
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This morning on the Today show, they featured snipets of the athletes. It was great to get to hear them interviewed and their goals and aspirations for the Games.
I always look forward to the Olympics. What I enjoy the most are the bio clips they play on some of the athletes. I love to hear the personal stories, struggles, and what they've done to get where they are and be among the best. The commitment and dedication to their sport and themselves is so inspiring.
It reminds me of us here on OH. We all have our stories, our struggles, and what it takes for us to be weight loss surgery successes. I love to talk to members and leaders to learn about them and what they do to stay successful not just with weight loss but in their lives.
Go U.S.A. and OH Members!!!
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I have motivational songs on my iPod such a "Proud" by Heather Small (the theme to The Biggest Loser) and anything that talks about feeling strong inside.
I also found a website with "Success Songs" that is great. They have a free download and, of course, songs you can purchase. I bought all of the songs and one of my favorites is their free download which is "This Is My Time." The website is www.SuccessSongs.com.
What's on your iPod or MP3?
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Now being more health conscious and incorporating healthy habits in my life, I am more respectful of what I eat. As we all know, Krispy Kremes are NOT a healthy choice......fat and sugar. That's it.
I sure appreciate the changes I've made in my food choices. Pre-op, I'd have loved to eat this....now, it completely grosses me out!! Check this out......as if it couldn't get worse:
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It is so strange how emotions and our eating/cravings/triggers work. As we all know, whenever we are stressed, anxious, etc., etc., we tend to crave what has always worked in the past for you - emotionally eat. I encourage my clients to distract themselves until the craving passes - which it does.....sometimes it takes awhile but it does. For me yesterday, my craving lasted all day! I really struggled.
I didn't do as perfectly as I would have liked. However, I definitely do as badly as I could have. One of my distractions that I do is to get myself out of the environment. Change my surroundings. I went in the bedroom and watched television - away from the kitchen and all of the food opportunities. Thankfully, my family understands and is supportive and they hung out with me as we watched t.v.
Today is a new day! The lesson reiterated for me is that emotions can be so intense and feel as though they will last for days. However, they don't. They were there all day yesterday for sure. Today I feel entirely different and like myself. So, my new saying when I have days or times like yesterday is "This too shall pass" and it does!!
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