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Topic: RE: new here
Hi Jimmy,
With it being the Eve of Christmas Eve, I'm feeling sappy. You made my day with your post. I feel the exact same way about you. Your friendship is special to me.
With it being the Eve of Christmas Eve, I'm feeling sappy. You made my day with your post. I feel the exact same way about you. Your friendship is special to me.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: RE: new here
Hi Cassie!
Welcome to my OH Group. I'm very glad that you've joined us as a member.
Sometimes those last few pounds can be frustrating. I know they were for me. Something that I did that I can share with you is that I just kept doing what I'd been doing that worked for the 90% that I did lose. If you keep doing what's made you successful so far, those last few will be gone too.
Also, rather than focus on those last few that you do have to lose, focus on the huge success you've had so far. Appreciate and celebrate those non-scale victories. The NSVs are things you can do, don't have to do that are different for you now. Having more energy, wearing different clothes (styles and sizes), decrease in medications, feeling more confident and all those accomplishments. I know for me, I obtained tunnel vision on what more I wanted to lose.
Again, welcome!!
Welcome to my OH Group. I'm very glad that you've joined us as a member.
Sometimes those last few pounds can be frustrating. I know they were for me. Something that I did that I can share with you is that I just kept doing what I'd been doing that worked for the 90% that I did lose. If you keep doing what's made you successful so far, those last few will be gone too.
Also, rather than focus on those last few that you do have to lose, focus on the huge success you've had so far. Appreciate and celebrate those non-scale victories. The NSVs are things you can do, don't have to do that are different for you now. Having more energy, wearing different clothes (styles and sizes), decrease in medications, feeling more confident and all those accomplishments. I know for me, I obtained tunnel vision on what more I wanted to lose.
Again, welcome!!
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: RE: Newbie in need of guidance!!!
Hi Donna,
My name is Jimmy. Would like to wish you to Cathy support group. She is very dedicated in her work. And she will guide you in the right direction if a problem should a rise. Good luck on your new journey. jimmy
My name is Jimmy. Would like to wish you to Cathy support group. She is very dedicated in her work. And she will guide you in the right direction if a problem should a rise. Good luck on your new journey. jimmy
Topic: RE: new here
Hi Sandie,
Welcome to Cathy support group she is a fine lady that will show you support at any time. She has been a dear friend for me through out my journey. Enjoy Christmas. jimmy
Welcome to Cathy support group she is a fine lady that will show you support at any time. She has been a dear friend for me through out my journey. Enjoy Christmas. jimmy
Topic: new here
Hi there
my name is sandie and im new here and im working on loseing that last part of my 10% i havent been a member that long on oh or here but i find it really helpful and has so much support and info though i will admit that as i get to the end of my 10% i start getting nervouse
have a happy holiday all
my name is sandie and im new here and im working on loseing that last part of my 10% i havent been a member that long on oh or here but i find it really helpful and has so much support and info though i will admit that as i get to the end of my 10% i start getting nervouse
have a happy holiday all
Topic: RE: Newbie in need of guidance!!!
I like the idea of creating a list of alternative things to do besides food!!!! Sometimes I have done that in the past in my mind...never wrote anything down. But I have been such a nonparticipant for so long that I come up empty handed...how awful is that?!? I would like to hear some of your alternatives.
Topic: Definition of Back on Track??
For me, one of the best questions about being on track is to define it for yourself. So, what is your definition of either getting back on track or to be on track?
From talking with members, many of us talk a lot about back on track. I've found though that it means different things to different people.
I think a good place to start here on our Back On Track Together group is to be clear as to what being on track means to us.
For me, it is a few things:
1. Eat protein first. Generally, eat 2 or 3 bites of protein for every bite of vegetables, complex carbs and fruit.
2. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water.
3. Exercise, incorporate activity and movement into my day, 4-5 days per week. Also, when the opportunity presents itself, I choose activity. Rather than take the elevator, I'll take the stairs. Rather than drive around for five minutes for a parking space, I'll automatically park the furthest space away.
4. Do not graze. Planned snacks are fine but no mindless grazing.
5. Don't emotionally eat (big one for me!). Turn to non-food strategies for coping with emotions than food.
That's my list. What's yours?
From talking with members, many of us talk a lot about back on track. I've found though that it means different things to different people.
I think a good place to start here on our Back On Track Together group is to be clear as to what being on track means to us.
For me, it is a few things:
1. Eat protein first. Generally, eat 2 or 3 bites of protein for every bite of vegetables, complex carbs and fruit.
2. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water.
3. Exercise, incorporate activity and movement into my day, 4-5 days per week. Also, when the opportunity presents itself, I choose activity. Rather than take the elevator, I'll take the stairs. Rather than drive around for five minutes for a parking space, I'll automatically park the furthest space away.
4. Do not graze. Planned snacks are fine but no mindless grazing.
5. Don't emotionally eat (big one for me!). Turn to non-food strategies for coping with emotions than food.
That's my list. What's yours?
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: RE: Newbie in need of guidance!!!
Hi Donna,
Welcome to my OH Group. I'm glad you're a member and your post.
Before I had surgery, I couldn't imagine coping without the self-medicating, numbing components of food and emotional overeating. For me, as I lost weight and my eating became more in control, it naturally got better. I felt so good about myself, my progress and success that it took the place of eating.
I think long term the key is to develop non-food ways of dealing with stress, emotions and situations that have caused you to turn to food in the past. I've learned to recognize when I'm triggered in advance and turn to distractions to keep my mind and hands busy so I become involved in something else. I've actually created a list of things I can do rather than eat. I won't say that it is 100% but it works more times than not.
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. Thanks for joining my group.
Welcome to my OH Group. I'm glad you're a member and your post.
Before I had surgery, I couldn't imagine coping without the self-medicating, numbing components of food and emotional overeating. For me, as I lost weight and my eating became more in control, it naturally got better. I felt so good about myself, my progress and success that it took the place of eating.
I think long term the key is to develop non-food ways of dealing with stress, emotions and situations that have caused you to turn to food in the past. I've learned to recognize when I'm triggered in advance and turn to distractions to keep my mind and hands busy so I become involved in something else. I've actually created a list of things I can do rather than eat. I won't say that it is 100% but it works more times than not.
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. Thanks for joining my group.
Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!
Topic: Newbie in need of guidance!!!
Hi Everyone
I just joined this group and I am in process of getting approved for surgery...I have a long hard road ahead of me and would so appreciate tips, tricks, mind-melds, and what-have-yous to help me in any way make it through this with my sanity in tact !!!! I am very nervous about the process...not so much the surgery (band), but what the heck do I do with myself if I can't turn to FOOD?!?!?!?! All you lovely people out there I'm sure have great things to offer....BRING IT ON!!!
I just joined this group and I am in process of getting approved for surgery...I have a long hard road ahead of me and would so appreciate tips, tricks, mind-melds, and what-have-yous to help me in any way make it through this with my sanity in tact !!!! I am very nervous about the process...not so much the surgery (band), but what the heck do I do with myself if I can't turn to FOOD?!?!?!?! All you lovely people out there I'm sure have great things to offer....BRING IT ON!!!
Topic: RE: Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy this special day and just relax and we will talk at ya later.
Enjoy this special day and just relax and we will talk at ya later.