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Keep Plugging Away- a letter to me

on 4/25/10 3:59 am - Houston, TX

Dear me,

I want you to keep this letter close so that you can read it at anytime.  Do you remember when you were at your highest weight?  It seemed impossible to lose any weight.  When your surgeon suggested losing 25 pounds, it might as well have been 250 pounds.  And surgery seemed so far off.

Where are we now?  You can walk 15 minutes -3 times a day.  Yes, your back hurts.  But you push through that mild annoyance and get that daily movement in.  Everyday, you are stronger, and more fit.  Every footstep you walk gets you closer to your goal of 25 pounds lost. 

Don't give up.  Keep up with what you are doing.  Stay away from sugar and white flour.  Remember this morning when you had pancakes, and how awful you felt, having to take a nap because you had no energy.  It was a waste of your life.  Work on getting protein in to build muscle and feed your body.  Drink those fluids.  Keep practicing for what is to come after surgery.

This is for life.  This is not a diet.  This is you now.  Your new life includes movement everyday of your life.  Your new life includes feeding your body the food it needs.  And most importantly, your new life includes loving yourself and acknowledging small successes.  Its those small successes that will add up and create the new you.  You may not be perfect, but i want you to vow to do your best.

Lastly, LOVE YOURSELF!  You may not want to exercise today, but do it anyway. You'll feel great afterwards and very proud that you pushed through. 


me.  4-25-10 378 pounds


Annie M.
on 4/25/10 12:11 pm - Monument, CO

Thanks for sharing the GREAT letter to "me".  So many points to remember.  It has spurred me to write a letter to me as well.

on 4/26/10 6:41 am - lakeside, CA

I really like that you are approaching yourself in a gentle, yet, very matter of fact, convincing manner. 

Be good to your body and it will be good to you.  Keep your head in the game and always try to remember to "Do the next right thing".

Your body and your mind will benefit.
: )

Thank you for sharing your "Letter to me".


Cathy W.
on 4/26/10 7:28 am
Hi Becca,

This letter to "me" is just amazing.  It is very powerful and I am deeply grateful you shared it with us.  It touched me on so many levels. 

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful post and for being a member of "our" group here.  This letter in your post has made a big difference for me.

Thank you so much!


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