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Great lesson - grumpy to happy all in one day!

Cathy W.
on 4/12/10 9:55 pm
I had an interesting thing happen yesterday. I woke up in a grumpy mood. I knew it was going to be a lousy day but was very pleasantly WRONG. I'll spare you the reasons why but I was convinced and prepared for a crummy day.

It is so nice to be wrong sometimes! LOL

I had a great day and it served as a great lesson for me. After I got settled for the day, prepared for things to go wrong, things in my day went right. I talked to a special friend a couple of times and was able to support her (normally she is supporting me all the time!!) so that made me happy, nice family time, got lots done with work, able to advocate for another friend to do something she wanted to do (Happy....I was happy , etc. I'm grateful that I didn't stick to my original mindset that it was going to be a lousy day because it ended up being a great, great day!

This reaffirmed the lesson to me to be open for whatever gifts and lessons that come my way everyday.



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on 4/12/10 10:06 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
I recognized the "me" part in your post and want you to know I appreiciate all you have done/are doing on my behalf.  Someday that dream job will happen.  Right now our bariatric program here at the hospital is in serious jeapordy due to the military budget cuts.  Don't know how that will turn out but I'm going to enjoy every minute I have with it.

Isn't it grand to be wrong in a positive direction?  Thanks for allowing yourself to have a great day.  I have a magnet on my door that I see every time I leave that says "Have a great day, unless you have other plans"  That's so true. 

So, my wish for you is to have a great day - and if you have other plans -SCRAP THEM RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Hug to you