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TUESDAY - Cardio & Cafe

on 4/12/10 9:47 pm - Fort Walton Beach, FL
Well, here we are at Tuesday - one of my favorite days as I facilitate a bariatric support group here at the hospital every Tuesday at noon time.  Unfortunately, with the military budget cuts our bariatric program is in serious jeapordy.  But I sure intend to enjoy it as long as I can.

EXERCISE;  Same old, same old - walking and stairs

FOOD;  Found a couple of new cereals - tried one this morning and will try the other tomorrow.  Since I mix my cereal with powdered magnesium which has a citrus taste can't relly report how it would taste without that - but, given that, I like the one I tried this morning as a change of pace
B - Flax Z Snax chocolate creme hot cereal - 155
      Unjury chocolate protein powder - 100
      Whole flax seeds - 90
S - HW choc drink - 80
      HW choc drink - 80
L - Buffalo/pork meatloaf - 272
      Finn multigran thin crisps - 40
      HW choc drink -80
S - HW mango mingle - 160
D - Publix shredded pork - 270 (rather high in sugar 18g but chose to eat it anyway - for a treat)
      Birdseye stemfresh broc, caul, & carrots - 30
      HW choc drink - 80

CALS - 1437                  CARBS - 84g                        PROTEIN - 162g

The sun is shining, there's a gentle breeze, I'm feeling good about myself, others, and the world - who could ask for anything more?

BOTT POWER is working  Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of the BOTT family
