Lose Weight Find Life

New to oh........

on 3/27/10 9:32 am
My name is Valerie, I am currenty 150lbs overweight and am considering gastric bipass surgery, I hope to find friends, support, and information information information. : )
I guess the only thing currently holding me back is my brain, I think I'm sure and then I think.....wait have I really tried everything??? I know I have but I also no that any surgery is a risk. If you have any advice/ think you can help me or think that I can help you in any way please feel free to friend me.

Cathy W.
on 3/29/10 10:57 pm
Hi Valerie,

First off - welcome to OH and thanks for joining my OH Group.  I know you'll find lots of support and information.

It is good that you are questioning whether to have weight loss surgery.  It is a big step.  I went through the same process as you are.  It is smart that are questioning and weighing the pros/cons. 

My suggestions are to visit the surgical boards and check out what members say, make a post as you did here, and make an appointment with surgeons to talk about your medical history and your decision.  Make sure that you see a surgeon that is with a Center of Excellence (COE). 

Again, a big WELCOME!! 



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