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In pain and not sleeping

Cathy W.
on 8/13/08 8:51 pm
My commitment to my surgery and healthy habits are really being tested.

I had my third injection procedure yesterday and I'm in pain. It is to be expected. For 3-5 days after the procedure, the pain is more intense. Since my neck herniation happened, I haven't slept well at all. I struggle with insomnia anyway but this has made it worse.

One of the patterns I've had pre-op and struggled with post-op too successfully is to turn to food to feel energized for a pick me up. Now, does that really happen? Of course not. It sure is an deep behavior though from many years. Eat to feel better whether it is physical or emotional pain.

My older son that just turned 13 and happily qualifies for the teenage status listens to his iPod when he's stressed. Imagine that! I'm learning from my teenage son. He doesn't turn to food but instinctively turns to healthy coping behaviors such as tuning in to music to calm and soothe.

For times when you're tempted to eat because you feel exhausted or stressed, my teenager may actually have the solution. Pull out some music instead of food. Music reaches your soul in ways that can heal, calm and comfort you without harming your weight or your cholesterol.

Lessons are all around us if we only are open to them.



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