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Where has the time gone???
My older son turns 13 on Friday. A teenager??? Yikes!
Honestly, I'm having a little bit of a difficulty with it. I seriously don't know how 13 years have passed. I remember dropping him off at preschool for his first day like it was last week. So many things seem so fresh and like they were yesterday when, in fact, they were years ago.
I know this is part of the parenting thing. For us, time goes by so quickly; for kids, it drags.
I wish I'd enjoyed and been a little more present rather than caught up in the day-to-day grind. This turning 13 teenager thing has shown me to value each day even more than I have before.
Cathy, mom of an almost teenager!
Honestly, I'm having a little bit of a difficulty with it. I seriously don't know how 13 years have passed. I remember dropping him off at preschool for his first day like it was last week. So many things seem so fresh and like they were yesterday when, in fact, they were years ago.
I know this is part of the parenting thing. For us, time goes by so quickly; for kids, it drags.
I wish I'd enjoyed and been a little more present rather than caught up in the day-to-day grind. This turning 13 teenager thing has shown me to value each day even more than I have before.
Cathy, mom of an almost teenager!
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Good luck on the teen years. I had two sons, and raised two of my wife's sisters since they were 7 & * years of age. Now I'm raising a granddaughter, who just turned 17. Boys were easier than the girls. And now the granddaughter seems to be the worst yet. Too much daily drama at times, and current kids expect so much out of life, with minimal effort. I've always beleived you get what you earn--do something and you'll get rewarded. Kind of like RNY--you have to make the effort, and you're rewarded with greater wt loss. DAVE
Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
Hi Dave,
I absolutely love your comparison of RNY with the effort and greater weight loss to the mindset of some kids (and adults too). It makes me think of the saying that you get out of life whatever you put into it. You just brought the focus down to something we all relate to with our surgery.
I've heard that boys are easier than girls. I have a 12 year old (for 3 more days!!!) son and a 10 year old son so that is encouraging for a mom that is kicking and screaming with dread as they get older (LOL!).
I am so glad that I'm getting to know you and you're a member of my OH Group. I enjoy your posts.
Thanks!! Cathy
I absolutely love your comparison of RNY with the effort and greater weight loss to the mindset of some kids (and adults too). It makes me think of the saying that you get out of life whatever you put into it. You just brought the focus down to something we all relate to with our surgery.
I've heard that boys are easier than girls. I have a 12 year old (for 3 more days!!!) son and a 10 year old son so that is encouraging for a mom that is kicking and screaming with dread as they get older (LOL!).
I am so glad that I'm getting to know you and you're a member of my OH Group. I enjoy your posts.
Thanks!! Cathy
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