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You Are Courageous

Cathy W.
on 1/24/08 8:47 pm
Do you consider yourself courageous?

Traditionally, people have associated courage with acts by selfless acts of rescue workers during a disaster, or the surgeon who undertakes a risky operation and saves someone's life. While these concepts of courage are accurate, they can limit and rob us of seeing courage in everyday actions. Everyday life is about all of us that exemplify tremendous courage in our daily adventures and struggles.

Courage is the kindergartner whose heart is pounding with fear, fighting back tears as he waves good-bye to his parents and walks into his classroom for the first day of school. Courage is also the 40-year old man that registers for college courses after being away from college for 20 years. Courage is the woman that leaves her secure job to work from home as an independent consultant. Courage is walking into a gym when you'd rather run out the front door. Courage is wanting to eat to silence an uncomfortable feeling yet choosing to feel the feelings rather than suppress with food. What's common to all of these examples is that courage is played out in everyday actions of all of us.

What each of us can do is search for constant examples of courage in ourselves. Yes, YOU! By noticing, acknowledging, talking about, and celebrating these everyday acts of courage, we increase the opportunities for courage to feel more comfortable and reoccur in our lives. When we raise our awareness of courage, we begin to see how brave we are in tackling each day of our lives.

You are courageous. You are a hero in your everyday life. Congratulations!
