LifeStarts WLS
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I am 8 months out now and I feel great. However, I am sometimes my own worst enemy when it comes to eating. I have been having a hard time controling my portions and food choices. The more that I tend to beat myself up over mistakes the more out of control and worse choices I make.
I am really happy right now and I have set some goals that I plan on working toward including doing a 5k run and 1/2 marathon next year. I feel better than I ever imagined and I am so happy with my choice for RNY, I am 20 lbs from goal. I am reminding myself to focus on the positive choices that I have made and how good it feels so that I will continue in the right direction.
One moment at a time, One day at a time for me right now.
God Bless,
May 27th of this year I will be 6 years post op . I am proud to say that I have maintained my weigh toss the entire time. I refuse to go back.
Due to a car accident back in 07 , I have not been able to run or do the types of work outs I was used to. I had disc removal surgery and once healed I should be back to doing my cardio and running .
The proudest moment I had in this journey was one , I am healthy . No more diabetes . However, being able to wear a bikini and one piece bathing suit ,
I am the mother to two adult children... Amy is 27 and Will is 25 . Amy is a student teacher and is currently getting ready to re-enroll in nursing school. My son Will is working on his second career certification. 2 Years ago he received his Associates in Science ... and now .. he is going after his boy hood dream of becoming a truck driver. He works part time and goes to school during the day.I am proud of both of them. If you would have asked me 6 years ago would I be around to see this , I would have told you no . My weight had put me at deaths door .
I am also the grandmother to 3 beautiful boys and plan on being around a long time for them.
Dontae is 9 , Anthony is 6 soon to be 7 and our little Braylen is 3 months .
Well ... this is the short version ..... I hope to hear from more of you .
Love ,
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
My new policy is ,if you request to join this group , you will be put on a 90 day probation of sorts. If you do not participate , your membership will be canceled.
On members now , if you do not show any interest in the group with in the next 90 days , your membership will be canceled . Our Directors have the right to disband the group for non-participation. I really do not want this to happen , as I am permanently disabled and I so look forward to working on this for you .
These groups where created to give you all a place to come to other than the Main boards , or your State boards for encouragement , a place to share and somewhere to learn .
We hate to do this , but we want to make LifeStarts a booming active group.
We realize that people work and lead lives, but you can stop by to say hi , give updates , share wow moments , recipes .. etc ... I don't care what we talk about , even if it is sex or relationships, if it gets us talking .... I don't care.
I hope that activity improves and we will not have to disband anyone.
I conferred with Bre before I posted this and we both are in agreement .
I look forward to this group busting out soon !
Love yall ,
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Congrats on the job .
Have you told anyone at work you had WLS ?
What I did was let people know that I had the surgery , and to pass me a donut box , or candy dish would be to me like handing a coke addict ...just a hint of cocaine.
Keep taking your own food ... keep a picture of your before where you can look at it as a rreminder.
Keep healthy snacks around ....
You will do fine .
Let us know how you do ....
Hugs and love ,Tink
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Sounds like you may be walking into a danger zone filled with scrumptious goodies and treats!
To avoid temptations, I would bring goodies/snacks from home that I like and know are good for me. Perhaps even maintaining a satiated tummy would help too. If you bring enough to share, the consensus may change on what treats are available. Or at least more variety...
You never know, your good eating habits may rub off and those donuts could be replaced with something more health conscious.
Pizza parties? What about just nibbling on the toppings? That's what I do when its pizza night at home. A few veggies, lots of meat, and gobs of cheese without the crust is heaven to my baby tummy! My pups love to help with the crusts!
I don't have any WOW moments yet. I'm just really glad to be alive and doing relatively well. The beginning was extremely rough for me.
Since I always worked the off hours I always considered myself fortunate not to be around the office for the donuts, the pizza parties and other temptations lurking around. Trying to get back on track and staying focused is going to be a real challenge!
Working the off hours I always carried my "Survival Bag" with my lunch and dinner. I think I have a fear of the change in the hours, my eating schedule, and the new environment. Any suggestions?
Blessings ~