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Tressa Ü
I did find out the hotel we are at has an exercise room, so that will help alleviate some stress. But I really appreciate the prayers . I want to not be overly sensitive because all I am doing is hurting myself in the long run. This will be a new adventure to learn from as well because I haven't traveled since surgery. I plan to bring some healthy food and go to the store once there. We will have a little fridge in our room... I just don't want to turn to food as an escape.
Thanks again
Tressa Ü
CONGRATULATIONS Tiff~ You are beautiful. Thanks for telling your story.
What a difficult situation for you to anticipate. Anyone would have a hard time with spending time with ex-anything. I'd encourage you to think of some healthy self care things you can do for yourself while there and boundaries decided upon ahead of time. Keep us posted on how things go.
Praying for you~
I have lately been praying for control over these outbursts. I seem to be having them more frequent. This weekend we are going to Va to see my stepdaughter graduate from High School. This sounds great but all I am thinking is I will be spending the whole weekend with his ex-wife. We see and do things with his ex-in-laws quite abit. I got used to this but I still have issues with his ex. We even use to work in the same department 9 years ago. Anyway we are also helping them pack up the uhaul because they are moving back here in upstate NY. I know this is my source of the current outbursts and eating was the old response. Now I tend to exercise more so that helps to calm me.
Just reflecting on behaviors and triggers in my life. Now working on an action plan to not get stressed out and take steps backward.
Take care Everyone
4 Signs It's Time to Step Off the ScaleDoes Weight Weigh Heavily on Your Mind?-- By Jason Anderson, Certified Personal TrainerIt cannot talk yet it speaks to you. Some days it makes you giddy with delight. Other days it puts you into a deep depression. It judges you on a superficial level. The thought of it is enough to worry even the most optimistic person. What am I talking about? The notorious bathroom scale.What is with this obsession we have with the scale? For most people, the scale can be an adversary or an ally, depending on the day. We often hate what it says or argue with it, but we still feel the desire to use it. When used properly and taken for what it is, it can actually be a very useful tool for weight management. But for many, the scale does more than measure the total weight of all your various parts. It somehow defines who you are as a person. And sadly, it can determine your own self-worth. We read way too much into this single-purposed tool. Here are four signs that you might put too much weight on weighing in: 1. You constantly worry about weighing in. When you're trying to lose weight, it's normal to experience some hesitation when it's time for your weekly weigh in. After all, you want to see the numbers go down as confirmation that all of your hard work has paid off. We all want to be rewarded for our efforts, and it can be discouraging when you have done everything right and things still don’t pan out. However, if you find yourself preoccupied with worrisome thoughts of what the scale is going to say tomorrow or the next day, then you might be a little too obsessed with the scale. |
SparkPeople recommends weighing in once a week (or even less). Ever wonder why it's not a good idea to do it more often? Your body weight can and will fluctuate from day to day, and change throughout a single day, too. There is no sense in putting yourself on that roller coaster of ups and downs. In the war on weight, if you become so concerned that you weigh yourself daily or several times a day, you are fighting a losing battle and you will be discouraged. If you feel like you can't control yourself or stop yourself from weighing in each day, then you could be headed for trouble.
3. You can recite your weight to the nearest fraction at all times.
This is a sure sign that you are relying too heavily on the scale. Anyone who can tell you not only how much she weighs each day, but measures her weight loss to the nearest quarter of a pound is probably weighing in too often. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see a lower number on the scale, even if it's a quarter pound lower, but remember that weighing in is more about trends (an average decrease or consistency in weight over time).
4. The scale determines how you feel about yourself for the day.
When the number is down, you step off the scale singing and have a jump in your step all day. When the number goes up (or stays the same when you expected a loss), you feel like Charlie Brown walking around with a rain cloud above your head. To me, this is the saddest situation of all—to let the scale dictate how you should feel. How would you feel about yourself if you hadn't weighed in that day? What other ways would you determine your self-worth if weight didn't exist?
If one (or all) of these situations sound familiar to you, it's time to step away from the scale. Go cold turkey. Or at the very least, weigh in less often. But what's a "compulsive weigher" to do?
Instead letting the scale alone determine whether you're a success or failure, use more reliable measures to determine your progress. My philosophy is that weight loss is not a goal, but the result of healthy habits like a better diet and regular exercise. When you do step on the scale and don't see the reading you had hoped for, ask yourself these questions: Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing? Am I making healthy food choices most of the time? Am I exercising consistently? If you are, then rust that your body is making positive changes, and the results will come. If you are not, then resolve to be consistent in healthy behaviors to see the results you want.
Weighing yourself is definitely helpful and it has its place. Just make sure you don’t go overboard and give too much credence to this one measurement! After all, other measures (like how much energy you have, how much easier it is to climb a flight of stairs, or how well your clothes fit) might not be as precise or scientific, but they're sure to make you feel happier and more successful than a scale ever can
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Every month I choose someone and publish their journey along with their before and after pictures.
I often come here asking for volunteers , but Tiff , I sought out , her story is very unique .
I hope you will stop by the web page and check it out ,
Here is the link to her publication :
You can also have your story told and your before and after pics . There are so many of this board that have been featured , Most you see on the " WHO IS THAT ' Has at one time been featured, so they need to be congratulated as well .

I hope to get Lot's of volunteers to tell their story's.
This is my site I use to promote my mentoring . I am a Bariatric Life Coach trained under the guidance of Obesity Help Mentors. I work with those of all types of surgery . I do a Back to Basics program as well ,
I am currently preparing to go out to Salt Lake City to the Bariatric Support Centers - Bariatric University to advance my skills as a Lifecoach and Leader.
So if you ever need my help , I am available to you 24 - 7 . I am also starting up another support group in the Richmond VA - Tri-city Area. .. I will be adding an Events Director -Barbara Jones ... known here on OH as Betty Boop. She is my X husbands wife and we are the best of friends. Many of you met her at the Costa Mesa Oh Event . She will be working with me to prepare for our January Snow Ball - Part Deux hopefully along with our Cookie Monster David Becker.... ( For those that remember part 1 ) I will post some pics from that event if you all like later.
But join me in congratulating Tiff on a job well done and to her continued success,
Love to you all ,
Director -
Facebook Group - VIRGINIA WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY EVENTS!/group.php?gid=123004 984377356&ref=ts
My Personal FB page is!/?ref=home
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!