LifeStarts WLS
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Topic: RE: Getting back on track - 20 lbs lost since March
Thanks Tink!! I am mixing it up pretty good, but I can mix it up some more to keep my body guessing!
Topic: RE: Getting back on track - 20 lbs lost since March
Molly ,
I am so proud of you .
I wanted to give you some advice from one GBSer to another.
I found myself stuck in a rut trying to get those last 4 pounds off .
What I found from my personal trainer was that I was doing the same exersise over and over . Your body becomes accustomed to it and it becomes stuborn in burning the fat ,
I see you wrote .
June Goals:
Exercise at gym 5 days a week.
Eat more veggies and fruit.
Continue healthy positive self talk
What I would like to see you do is maybe change up your routine, If you are doing walking one day , switch to cardio the next , if you do cardio one day do weight training the next . Your body will love it and the fat will move out .
Congrats on the weight loss and your accomplishments ,
On June 16, 2010 at 7:42 AM Pacific Time, Molly S. wrote:
Thanks again to everyone!!! And I love your new photo Brea!! All of you are inspirations to me!!I am so proud of you .
I wanted to give you some advice from one GBSer to another.
I found myself stuck in a rut trying to get those last 4 pounds off .
What I found from my personal trainer was that I was doing the same exersise over and over . Your body becomes accustomed to it and it becomes stuborn in burning the fat ,
I see you wrote .
June Goals:

Exercise at gym 5 days a week.
Eat more veggies and fruit.
Continue healthy positive self talk
What I would like to see you do is maybe change up your routine, If you are doing walking one day , switch to cardio the next , if you do cardio one day do weight training the next . Your body will love it and the fat will move out .
Congrats on the weight loss and your accomplishments ,
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Congratulations!!! It might seem far away now, at least mine did, but September 30 will be here before you know it.
Topic: Let me officially introduce myself
Happy Saturday everyone. Tink asked me to introduce myself to you. For the last few weeks I've been helping Tink with our Life-Starts group when she is not available.
I had RNY 12-21-09. It is an amazing journey. I've learned so much about myself and am still learning about all the necessary pieces that contribute to long term success. I want to be a woman who finishes well.
Most of you are much further out from surgery and have many answers I do not have. I'll need each of you to contribute while she is gone. What I do have is a heart of passion for folks who are on this journey. I love to encourage people whenever I can. I really love ObesityHelp, my support groups and mostly all the amazing people I've met here and at support group meetings.
While Tink is gone I'll be the acting director/leader of Life-Starts. I will check the discussion board daily, approve new member requests and help wherever I can. I obviously will not be able to offer the mentor-ship that Tink provides. If anyone is interested during the time she is gone Tink will provide a form that I can email to you to fill out and an email address for you to return it to her. She will contact you when she returns from her vacation. Tink will be away from our group July 9 until July 25th.
I look forward to getting to know more of you and serving wherever I can.
I had RNY 12-21-09. It is an amazing journey. I've learned so much about myself and am still learning about all the necessary pieces that contribute to long term success. I want to be a woman who finishes well.
Most of you are much further out from surgery and have many answers I do not have. I'll need each of you to contribute while she is gone. What I do have is a heart of passion for folks who are on this journey. I love to encourage people whenever I can. I really love ObesityHelp, my support groups and mostly all the amazing people I've met here and at support group meetings.
While Tink is gone I'll be the acting director/leader of Life-Starts. I will check the discussion board daily, approve new member requests and help wherever I can. I obviously will not be able to offer the mentor-ship that Tink provides. If anyone is interested during the time she is gone Tink will provide a form that I can email to you to fill out and an email address for you to return it to her. She will contact you when she returns from her vacation. Tink will be away from our group July 9 until July 25th.
I look forward to getting to know more of you and serving wherever I can.
Topic: Personal Power and Choice
When I mentioned months ago to a very close and dear friend of mine that I was going to have RNY bariatric surgery in an effort to cure my diabetes, she only had one question for me - "What will make this time different from all of the others that I will follow the rules and do what I am supposed to do?" When I first heard the question, I was angry and tried desperately to hop up on my soap box of indignation and righteousness, but in the end she had a point and I answered truthfully "I don't know". This question has been mulling over in my head and heart since it was first asked.
I was finally able to answer the question last night.
I had a very real AHA moment yesterday as i was talking with a friend at work. We were discussing a friend of hers that is in the process of preparing for her surgery which is several months away. My friend wanted to connect us together as she thought I had a really great outlook and attitude about the surgery - and then came the moment.
I said to my friend that this whole journey is all about personal power and choice. I became the size I am and have the illness I do because I could not or would not stand up for myself and claim my personal power. I made choices based on emotional factors and tried to find solace, comfort, love and acceptance with poor judgement and desperation. I used food, money and drama to create the situation that i am in. I allowed others to influence my choices because I was afraid and lived in fear of abandonment.
I firmly said to my friend, "If you cannot stand up for yourself and claim your personal power you have no business doing this surgery." THIS was the AHA moment.
There are some people in my life that have stated that i should not have this surgery because I could die or something could go horribly wrong. Granted, this is a possibilty one that I have truly looked at and considered. While I can appreciate their concerns, I have to make my own choice and decision. Everything in the past few months has been about standing up for myself and claiming my personal power. Everything has been about this since my very insightful friend asked the question and the powers that be were trying to help me find the answer.
Question: "What will make this time different from all of the others that I will follow the rules and do what I am supposed to do?"
Answer: I am and will continue to stand up for myself and will revel in my personal power. I will stand in my truth, my power and make my own choices that are true to my authentic self. I will be who I am and enjoy the sweetness life has to offer. I will be ME.
I was finally able to answer the question last night.
I had a very real AHA moment yesterday as i was talking with a friend at work. We were discussing a friend of hers that is in the process of preparing for her surgery which is several months away. My friend wanted to connect us together as she thought I had a really great outlook and attitude about the surgery - and then came the moment.
I said to my friend that this whole journey is all about personal power and choice. I became the size I am and have the illness I do because I could not or would not stand up for myself and claim my personal power. I made choices based on emotional factors and tried to find solace, comfort, love and acceptance with poor judgement and desperation. I used food, money and drama to create the situation that i am in. I allowed others to influence my choices because I was afraid and lived in fear of abandonment.
I firmly said to my friend, "If you cannot stand up for yourself and claim your personal power you have no business doing this surgery." THIS was the AHA moment.
There are some people in my life that have stated that i should not have this surgery because I could die or something could go horribly wrong. Granted, this is a possibilty one that I have truly looked at and considered. While I can appreciate their concerns, I have to make my own choice and decision. Everything in the past few months has been about standing up for myself and claiming my personal power. Everything has been about this since my very insightful friend asked the question and the powers that be were trying to help me find the answer.
Question: "What will make this time different from all of the others that I will follow the rules and do what I am supposed to do?"
Answer: I am and will continue to stand up for myself and will revel in my personal power. I will stand in my truth, my power and make my own choices that are true to my authentic self. I will be who I am and enjoy the sweetness life has to offer. I will be ME.

Congratulations Mark, that day will be here before you know it.

Topic: RE: Optifast
Hi Michelle,
I'm glad you are feeling a bit more energy. Have a fun time at the charity baseball tournament. Fill us in on the details after your tournament. Be sure to drink enough esp if it's hot outside..
I'm glad you are feeling a bit more energy. Have a fun time at the charity baseball tournament. Fill us in on the details after your tournament. Be sure to drink enough esp if it's hot outside..
Congratulations, I'm so glad for you. It will be here before you know it.
That great news. I am sure you are looking forward to all the changes that will soon be happening.