LifeStarts WLS
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Develop your support network.
Sometimes the most effective way to feel better is to get help with a problem, rather than falling into self pity. When you connect with another WLS patient, you can support each other through the ups and downs after surgery. Keep in mind that asking for help can be just as supportive as helping another. You can call for help when your resolve is weak and know you will be understood. Asking for help is strength; although, many people feel like they are going to bother someone or they are afraid.
The more you ask for help, the easier it becomes to call on your support system. Before you know it, this system will become a vital part of your life.
Action for the day: Remaining part of a support network is still important, no matter how far out from surgery you get. Today, check on a fellow WLS patient to see how he or she is doing.
© 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at
So yesterday I managed to drink 1 L and was quite proud of this accomplishment. My team did say that I would need to work up to the 2 L mark and should aim for 1 L for now. I figure if I can reach this for a solid week I will move on to 1.5 L. As it also turns out, I amy have been dehydrated prior to the surgery during the Optifast stage. With drinking so much fluids, who would have thought I would need to be drinking additional water. I know, I know many are saying well duh...but this is how my mind works.
So here is why I have found that drinking water and being properly hydrated is important:
1. It helps keep the kidneys functioning properly.
2. it removes toxins from the body.
3. It assists in bringing up the garbage from the lungs so there is less risk of pnemonia.
4. It promotes bowel movements.
5. it generally makes your body run smoother and healthier.
As a result of drinking 1 L of water yesterday, I had 3 bowel movements which greatly assisted with my gas and adominal pain. I had a bit more energy and today I've been trying to do some laundry and some other light chores. So my focus is drinking the water I need to, eating my vitamins and supplements and doing what I can to consume the protein that I need in order to promote healing.
The key is hydration.

Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Some days you wake up feeling tired or distracted. You just don't have the time or energy to follow your WLS regimen at that moment. So, you skip breakfast, or eat that slice of cold pizza that you righteously avoided the night before. Days of discouragement shouldn't surprise you. They are reminders that food will always be complicated -- either a comfort or a distraction.
The key to real change is perseverance. When you take a misstep, for whatever reason, know that you will continue to persevere in your WLS recovery. You will start over at the next meal--you will overcome the temptation next time. That is how you'll succeed. Being perfect just isn't going to happen. So persevere.
Action for the day: No matter where you are in your recovery, today you will persevere. Start over every time you stray from your plan. Start over as often as necessary.
© 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
Hugs and hang in there.
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This is where all the planning for our evnts happen as ell .
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
I was finally able to answer the question last night.
I had a very real AHA moment yesterday as i was talking with a friend at work. We were discussing a friend of hers that is in the process of preparing for her surgery which is several months away. My friend wanted to connect us together as she thought I had a really great outlook and attitude about the surgery - and then came the moment.
I said to my friend that this whole journey is all about personal power and choice. I became the size I am and have the illness I do because I could not or would not stand up for myself and claim my personal power. I made choices based on emotional factors and tried to find solace, comfort, love and acceptance with poor judgement and desperation. I used food, money and drama to create the situation that i am in. I allowed others to influence my choices because I was afraid and lived in fear of abandonment.
I firmly said to my friend, "If you cannot stand up for yourself and claim your personal power you have no business doing this surgery." THIS was the AHA moment.
There are some people in my life that have stated that i should not have this surgery because I could die or something could go horribly wrong. Granted, this is a possibilty one that I have truly looked at and considered. While I can appreciate their concerns, I have to make my own choice and decision. Everything in the past few months has been about standing up for myself and claiming my personal power. Everything has been about this since my very insightful friend asked the question and the powers that be were trying to help me find the answer.
Question: "What will make this time different from all of the others that I will follow the rules and do what I am supposed to do?"
Answer: I am and will continue to stand up for myself and will revel in my personal power. I will stand in my truth, my power and make my own choices that are true to my authentic self. I will be who I am and enjoy the sweetness life has to offer. I will be ME.

Our group is on Face Book too if you want to join .
Thank you so much for your insight ,
It is absolutely brilliant.
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!