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Fill your life with goals.
When you get close to your weight goal, you become more focused on it. You think about it constantly. Will it be tomorrow? In three days? Next week? Every time you eat you may think, "Maybe if I eat a little less, I can get to my goal sooner," or, "What if I walk twice a day for just this week?" Or, maybe you think, "After I reach my goal I can relax, right?"
You may think that once you reach goal you are done. But you will need to remain ever- vigilant caring for your pouch, which is still your most valuable tool. You also will need to see beyond weight loss to the other things in life that make it worth living. Learn something new. Set a goal to meet a different kind of challenge. Fill your life with more goals than just reaching your goal weight, and see how full your life can be.
Action for the day: In your journal, write down three non-weight-related goals. © 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at
I wil be keeping you in my prayers. I hope to hear from you on the other side of your surgery!!
Daily Inspiration for July 1, 2010
Katie Jay, MSW
Try something new.
There comes a time when what you are doing stops working. Then its time to try something new--whether that "something new" is stepping up your exercise routine, changing your diet, or getting more information on an aspect of recovery you know little about.
Human nature is to like doing things the way you've always done them. Change is tiring and scary. Yet change can be a good thing. It helps you grow (or shrink as the case may be). You may need to get a personal trainer to help you develop a new exercise routine or see a nutritionist about adjusting your menu. When the tried-and-true stops working, it's time to try something new.
Action for the day: Have some things in your WLS routine stopped working? If so, research what you can do differently.
© 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at

My goal for July is no more YO-YOing. I want to be more consistent with eating. I want a maintain or lose. I want to lose at least 8 pounds just because I am still a size where this is a realistic and reasonable goal. Meanwhile, I will continue with my exercising which I can't complain about at all. I am back up to exercising almost every day, including weight training and avg 50+ min of cardio exercises. What are your goals for the month of July? Please share.