LifeStarts WLS
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I sent you each a welcome but wanted to made sure you got a BIG welcome.
We are glad you are here. I look forward to hearing from and getting to know you~
Congratulations! You look and ARE amazing. I share your joy~
I look forward to getting to know you. I couldn't find your member link so I posted here.
When we have events like the ones at Costa Mesa and our group is there , it would be nice to have a special meeting to get to meet one another , to plan outtings and such ,
Barb will handle this for us .
Please take time to welcome Barb to OH and to our group .
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Here I am with my grandson at Halloween, I was supposed to be Baby from Monster inc , Then you see the one of me in the hospital bed , that was the day of surgery in ICU .., wanting more pain meds ... Of course ... ..
SO Here I am today ... I am down to 125 pounds . While I have had no complications from the RNY , I have Addisons Disease. I have no adrenal glands. I have a hard time keeping weight on because I take a boat load of steroids and it has my metabolism whacked ,
I want to thank God for getting me through this , My family who doubted this from day one , who are now my biggest fans . To my surgeon , Dr, Neil Hutcher I will never forget you telling me I brought you to your knees . I had a lot of hernias to repair and he was in there 7 hours.
Today I sit here weighing 125 pounds . I have had all if my plastics done , Breast Lift , Silicone Implants, Butt Lift ( Used my own skin no implants ) Bracchioplasty ( Arms ) Abdomnioplasty , All I have left is my legs , and I have had people tell me I do not need to do them , but we will see ,
I am the happiest I have ever been in my life ,. I have done things I could only dream of doing , I have snorkeled almost the entire Caribbean , I have learn to run with out getting out of breath , I am a support group leader as well as a Bariatric Life Coach. My goal in life is to give back to those that come after me ,
I remarried in 07 to a man that sometimes I feel I do not deserve. He treats me like a princess . I am a grandmother of 3 beautiful boys , who with out this surgery I would not be able to play with and enjoy . The list goes on and on ....
I just want to say to those who are thinking about this surgery , what ever type .. do your homework . Make sure you pick the surgeon that is right for you , choose the surgery that is right for you .,., and Never Ever let anyone tell you you are cheating . This has been the hardest thing I have ever done . No diet out there was this hard . So with that ,I just want to say thank you again to all my friends here on OH ... to my Support Group Leader Mentors who had faith in me to bring me back into the group .
If you find you need help , you can reach me at , I also run an on line support group here on OH called LIFESTARTS.
. You may visit the group at
If you are interested in joining I would love to have you . I am also getting ready to partner up ad restart my group in the TRI City Area in Richmond VA Area . This will be announced soon as we get a place to hold our meetings .
Happy i am ... Excited about my life .. knowing that I received the ultimate gift and tool . One I refuse to abuse . You can say pounds gone forever , but I am here to tell you , that is a lie ... you must always fight to keep the pounds off , Nothing is forever with out hard work .
SO , here is me today .... Yes I am very proud of my accomplishments ... So today I go and celebrate . My Hubs is taking me to Bonefish Grill , where I will have the Chilean Sea Bass , my favorite .
So again .. Thank you to all that have supported me here , and abroad . I love each and everyone of you . I will be your Always Tink !
![my b suit | TINK | Misguided ~~Angel~~](
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
I seen such speakers as Dr, Garth Brooks. he talked about the foods we eat . Did you know he is a vegetarian ? His motto is an apple a day does keep the doctor away . .
Then there was Maryjo Rapini .. she is a speaker , author and physiotherapist.,
Her talk was that of adult nature ,,, and I am not giving it away , you must attend this event to hear this mind blowing lecture on our women hood . It has forever changed my mind about so much ,
The vendors where great ,,I have been munching on dried peas, carrot , green beans and they are awesome...
I am planning on attending the one in Houston , It is up in the air fro now, but If I can go back I am , It is so worth the money ., Start saving now,.Find roomies ...... you will not regret it .
I felt like I left my family behind , The whole organization was put together first class ,
It is so worth every dime I spent . Not to mention I got the neatest Tattoo down at New Port Beach of a Fleur Dis Lis ..., Flower of the Lilly .. this was my fathers favorite flower .
I will post pics later once it heals more .
We all went out dancing and had a great time , The fashion show was off the hook .,., Here are some pics of me you may enjoy .. I felt like a million bucks ,,, I felt like all my hard work had paid off ,
The first pic is of yours truly ,
The second is our member here Barbara Jones , and the third pic is of John Cisneros. You may remember John has been one of our WLS Heros of the Month .
You must think about attending . If you are truly interested go to this link
I will never forget this weekend ... it was life changing for me .
Always ,
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!