
LifeStarts WLS

Recent Posts

Cathy W.
on 4/29/10 7:30 am
Topic: CONGRATULATIONS - Your Group is a Featured Group!
Hi SweetTink and OH Group Members,

Congratulations!!  Your OH Group is one of the featured groups on the Groups home page.  You can check it out at:


Thank you for this group you have created to provide support to OH members.  You are a valued OH Support Group Leader!! 

Thanks, Cathy


Want to get back on track or stay on track? Get Back On Track Together!

on 4/28/10 10:19 am

Dear Group ,
I am so sorry I have not been online . I have had a severe kidney infection which sent me into an addisons crisis and I have not been able to move for the last 5 days .
I am sooo sorry . If I had thought I would have gotten my husband to mail Bre for me so she would atleast know what is going on .

Again , I am so sorry . I am healing ... and will be back to my old self soon .,

Love to you all ,

Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!

Bre K
on 4/27/10 1:50 pm - Stamford, CT
Topic: RE: x-post Nausea ?
Hey Navy,

Actually, to tell you the truth, I am a year out now and only expeerienced nausea in the first 4 months after my surgery. I really dont get nauseous now and I usually wait about 30 minutes to have something to drink. Perhaps you should let your doctor know whats happening and maybe he can pinpoint if there is a need for concern or not. Better to be safe than sorry. I am sure it will eventually pass but get it checked out when u can just to be on the safe side. Much success to you!

BRE visit http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/changedforGodforlife/membersCheck out Fairfileld County Bariatrics WTNH, www.wtnh.com/dpp/ct_style/health_fitness/fairfield-county-bariatrics 
Bre K
on 4/27/10 1:44 pm - Stamford, CT
Hey Everybody,

For all those who did not get a chance to see Fairfield County Bariatrics on TV, here is the link.  Dr. Craig Floch discussing obesity in America and the options in weight loss surgery.  It was a wonderful interview on CT Style.  If you get a chance, please stop by and view the clip at
www.wtnh.com/dpp/ct_style/health_fitness/fairfield-county-ba riatrics

I was featured as one of his patients and had a blast! Thanks so much group for your support.  Would love to know what you think.  Holla back when u can...
BRE visit http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/changedforGodforlife/membersCheck out Fairfileld County Bariatrics WTNH, www.wtnh.com/dpp/ct_style/health_fitness/fairfield-county-bariatrics 
Navytown Mom
on 4/27/10 1:09 am
I agree with you. Each day I count my blessings and I thank God for giving me one more day to be alive. I concentrate on the positive things in my life now and I am grateful that I have a 2nd chance to live my life.

God bless,

Navytown Mom
on 4/27/10 1:06 am
Topic: x-post Nausea ?
Hello all,
I posted this to another group but thought i would check with you all here too. Life is good and I am loving my journey so far. Overall, I feel great and love that I am able to do more than I thought that I would have. I do have a question, does anyone else experience nausea about 20-30 minutes after eating? Often it will go away after I have a drink of water but I would say I feel this way after eating 1- 2 meals a day. I have never had anything stuck per se (that I know of), but I wondered if maybe that is what was happening. Just curious..take care and hugs to all of you.Susan

Bre K
on 4/25/10 4:19 pm - Stamford, CT
Each day when I awake, I got to thank God for just another day.  Each day I think on how much he has blessed me with the things in my life.  I have less time to complain when I am giving thanks instead.

Take today and count your blessings...Are you alive?  Are you in your right ming?  Do you have a family that loves you?  Are you able to use your limbs or even brush your own teeth?  Are you able to clothed and wash yourself without assistance?  Are you able to see a brand new day and smell the flowers that bloom with the senses that God has given unto you? Then you have some blessings that you can count one by one in order to see what God has done in your life.

Blessings and Peace,
BRE visit http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/changedforGodforlife/membersCheck out Fairfileld County Bariatrics WTNH, www.wtnh.com/dpp/ct_style/health_fitness/fairfield-county-bariatrics 
Annie M.
on 4/25/10 12:03 pm - Monument, CO
Topic: RE: Hello Everybody!...
You will find this to be a great place for encouragement and care.
I'm glad you found us.
Congrats on having your surgery done. Wow, 60 pounds, that's great.
Take care of yourself.
on 4/25/10 10:20 am - ALAMO, TX
Topic: RE: Hello Everybody!...
Thank you so very much ladies, I greatly appreciate your support & the welcome to the group! I am so happy... I was a bit worried last month because we found out my husband needed a double bypass & it shocked me & my body & I couldnt eat so I started sipping again on broth's & protein & ate fruit & luckily all turned out great including my hubby! so we are both recovering together
Anna Garcia-Solis      (join me on Face Book)                      
on 4/23/10 1:09 am - Lancaster, CA
Hi My name is Kathy, 

  I've had a weight problem all my adult life, I first heard about WLS was when I lived overseas in Japan, my friend who was a military wife got it done.. I got married and moved back to the United states with my husband as he got orders back to the U.S......I didn't think much of my weight, was enjoying life until I lost both of my parents to cancer in 04' and 08'. I was at the doctors office one day getting a check up and he told me, Kathy.. if you don't do something now.. your gonna follow your parents footsteps.. and that was a wake up call for me.. I wanted to be there for my husband and my two young children. My doctor studied my weightloss habits and suggested me to get WLS. I am thankful that he did cause April 5,2010 I was finally able to get my weightloss surgery. I'm three weeks out of surgery and I had already lost 27 lbs. Something I haven't been able to achieve in awhile. I'm starting to regain my health and energy back.. It's wonderful. but I'm still alittle bit confused as what to eat.. at this moment.. Yes my doctor gave me some guidelines on what to eat.. Soft and Pureed foods.. mostly high in protein..so I've been eating tofu, mostly baby foods, eggs, and I tried fish for the first time yesterday. and I'm drinking my Isopure and protein drinks.I want more variety in my foods.. any suggestions..??