Hi, I'm just dropping in to say hi to all and to let everyone know that there is hope if you are having bypass surgery for gastroparesis after going thru many test I see the surgeon for a follow-up from my EGD that re-affirmed my paresis, I'm in alot of pain with it right now and have a few more test to run before i get a date for the surgery but I want to let everyone know it is so important to ask questions because sometimes the drs. assume you just know and also to really do your research i do and I'm very pleased with hearing alot of the accomplishments of other people I recommend bypass surgery for gastroparesis for it will save you the wait of a cure and also it seems like it might let me have a normal life after 2 years of severe suffering. you don't hear much about this condition but it is mostly caused by diabetes. I'm getting excited ,anyone else have this condition and had bypass surgery would appreciate a reply. Thank you