LifeStarts WLS
Hi I'm Christy. New here. First time to post
Hello everyone! I'm so happy to be a part of a support group. I just found out today that my insurance approved me for sugery! My preop and endoscopy is scheduled for Thursday 12/16/10 and my surugery is Monday 12/20/10. I'm very excited and a bit intimidated. I love reading what people have experinced and what each is going thru... I think what I've gathered in general is that the surgery really helps the body respond to our actions of not eating so much (including eliminating or greatly reducing the physical hunger) and that ther is also an emotional hunger and psychological hunger that we are also helping each other figure out how to quench without the use of food. I have no idea how to do that, so I'm glad we have each other to figure that out. Thank you for letting me be a part of your group.

Congratulations on maneuvering through the insurance hoops and having your surgery scheduled! It will be one of the best Christmas presents ever.
You're right, your physical hunger will be reduced. You'll still have to deal with emotional and psychological hunger and cravings. Just days home from the surgery, my family made pizza and I walked by and thought it smelled good and I'd have some!! I didn't. That was just a habit for me. I wasn't prepared for that false hunger, but you are. You're already ahead of the game.
Best wishes on your surgery.
You're right, your physical hunger will be reduced. You'll still have to deal with emotional and psychological hunger and cravings. Just days home from the surgery, my family made pizza and I walked by and thought it smelled good and I'd have some!! I didn't. That was just a habit for me. I wasn't prepared for that false hunger, but you are. You're already ahead of the game.
Best wishes on your surgery.
Hi & welcome to Life Starts.
We are glad you are here. It is a great place to get encouragement & care. I hope you feel welcomed. I'm so glad you've been approved and will have your surgery before you know it.
It is an amazing journey.
I had RNY 12-21-09. I've lost 100 pounds. I'm off diabetic med, C-Pap machine. My arthritis is much improved. I feel better than I have in years.
There have been hard moments but overall I would do it again.
The first 8 weeks for so I thought every day "what have I done to myself?" At about that 8th week I turned the corner.
It is very normal to have emotions all over the place before and after the surgery. It is major surgery and the changes are huge.
Stay connected to other WLS people & take one day at a time.
Is it okay for me to pray for you?
We are glad you are here. It is a great place to get encouragement & care. I hope you feel welcomed. I'm so glad you've been approved and will have your surgery before you know it.
It is an amazing journey.
I had RNY 12-21-09. I've lost 100 pounds. I'm off diabetic med, C-Pap machine. My arthritis is much improved. I feel better than I have in years.
There have been hard moments but overall I would do it again.
The first 8 weeks for so I thought every day "what have I done to myself?" At about that 8th week I turned the corner.
It is very normal to have emotions all over the place before and after the surgery. It is major surgery and the changes are huge.
Stay connected to other WLS people & take one day at a time.
Is it okay for me to pray for you?