LifeStarts WLS
Look within for your answers.
Look within for your answers.
It is healthy to look within. To find peace and serenity, you must put pride and fear aside and take an honest look at yourself.
Find the courage and resolve to discover yourself. Find out what makes you tick. Find out how you sabotage yourself and why. Learn what really motivates you. Seeking fixes and answers outside of yourself can only take you so far. To achieve fulfillment, you must look within.
Action for the day: Spend five minutes today looking within. Sit quietly and breathe deeply. Ask yourself, "What is it that I need to find and acknowledge within myself to become healthy?"
© 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at

Look within for your answers.
It is healthy to look within. To find peace and serenity, you must put pride and fear aside and take an honest look at yourself.
Find the courage and resolve to discover yourself. Find out what makes you tick. Find out how you sabotage yourself and why. Learn what really motivates you. Seeking fixes and answers outside of yourself can only take you so far. To achieve fulfillment, you must look within.
Action for the day: Spend five minutes today looking within. Sit quietly and breathe deeply. Ask yourself, "What is it that I need to find and acknowledge within myself to become healthy?"
© 2007, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. Get our free report, How to Regain-Proof Your Weight Loss Surgery at
This is great stuff .., Bring it on .. How inspiring . !!
I cannot thank you enough for keeping this board alive with things like this ,
You are my angel for the day !
Love and Peace ,
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
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