LifeStarts WLS
Venting about my mini binge yesterday......
Well yesterday was not a good eating day for me. I have a hard time resisting FREE food at work, even if not healthy for me. And I really hate it if the food was not worth the mini binge I had. At work they had free breakfast and lunch Thursday and Friday. Thursday I was fine and then Friday they had one of my favorites and I gave in. I had the 2 donuts for breakfast and I was not able to turn down the pizza at lunch. I did not stop there and the day just sort of spiraled into a graze every 2 hours on junk. So my binge amounted to 2 pound this morning on the scale. I will have that off by Monday or Tuesday. You know how it goes. One day to put it on and 3 or more days to take it off.
It is hard for me to get out of the mentality of 1 or 2 screw ups does not have to mean the whole day is blown. I am getting better at it but yesterday I was truly out of control. I knew yesterday the pizza and donuts would start me off on a binge. Especially the pizza. AND THE SAD PART IT WAS NOT THE GOOD PIZZA. Meaning the good Chicago Pizza!! It was cheap pizza you could get any where. I know I am bad but if I am going to have a bad day I always say let it be worth it. Any way enough on yesterday. I am letting it go right now.
Today I am feeling better and letting go of yesterday's bump in the road. I just planned my meals for today and I am going to health club to have a nice long work out at my leisure. That is the beauty of working out on Saturday evening. No wait for machines, nice and quiet, nobody chatting, etc. I love working out on Saturday evenings when I have the chance to do so.
Thanks in advance for your support. Just needed to reflect on yesterday this morning before I get up and about. I just gave you the jest but I can't dwell on forever because today is a new day and I will never be perfect but I have to make sure I do not have too many bad days because they will sabotage my goals.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
It is hard for me to get out of the mentality of 1 or 2 screw ups does not have to mean the whole day is blown. I am getting better at it but yesterday I was truly out of control. I knew yesterday the pizza and donuts would start me off on a binge. Especially the pizza. AND THE SAD PART IT WAS NOT THE GOOD PIZZA. Meaning the good Chicago Pizza!! It was cheap pizza you could get any where. I know I am bad but if I am going to have a bad day I always say let it be worth it. Any way enough on yesterday. I am letting it go right now.
Today I am feeling better and letting go of yesterday's bump in the road. I just planned my meals for today and I am going to health club to have a nice long work out at my leisure. That is the beauty of working out on Saturday evening. No wait for machines, nice and quiet, nobody chatting, etc. I love working out on Saturday evenings when I have the chance to do so.
Thanks in advance for your support. Just needed to reflect on yesterday this morning before I get up and about. I just gave you the jest but I can't dwell on forever because today is a new day and I will never be perfect but I have to make sure I do not have too many bad days because they will sabotage my goals.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Hi Molly,
I hear you, I so get into the mentality of 1 bad choice leading to a whole day of bad choices. That's what got me into obesity in the first place. I tend to have "all or nothing" thinking. Thanks for your honesty and example of getting back to "it". It is a new day. Have a great weekend~
I hear you, I so get into the mentality of 1 bad choice leading to a whole day of bad choices. That's what got me into obesity in the first place. I tend to have "all or nothing" thinking. Thanks for your honesty and example of getting back to "it". It is a new day. Have a great weekend~
Exactly what you said, "yesterday's bump in the road", so today's road will be better. Don't let anything stop you. Every once in a while, we all go through that, and there is nothing wrong with it either, we just have to know to stop, regroup and start again. And sounds to me, like you are doing just that!
Thanks and today was a very good day indeed and I did make it to the gym!!! It helped me to let it go this morning. I felt more positive and I was no longer upset with myself. Back in the day a day like yesterday could have turned into the whole weekend for me. But I could not do that to myself. That would have been the old me. Thanks again!
Molly ,
I just want to say to you on your last post .... you get a do over each day .
We are HUMAN .. and we are going to make bad choices from time to time .
You did the right things ...
You need to never forget where you came from when that Donut or that Pizza comes by .
Keep foods around you that you can eat .. and be proud to say .. " No thanks " when it comes time to eat these foods .
I am so proud of you ... you will continue to be a succes if you just realize how important it is to Love you .. as no one else in that office is going to give a rats butt if you eat it or not . You will have to live with the guilt .,
You did good !
As a WLS patient we are no longer part of that " i can eat anything world ": does not make us weak .. it impowers us to make choices that are good for us and that will keep us healthy and looking great ,
Love and Respect to you ,
I just want to say to you on your last post .... you get a do over each day .
We are HUMAN .. and we are going to make bad choices from time to time .
You did the right things ...
You need to never forget where you came from when that Donut or that Pizza comes by .
Keep foods around you that you can eat .. and be proud to say .. " No thanks " when it comes time to eat these foods .
I am so proud of you ... you will continue to be a succes if you just realize how important it is to Love you .. as no one else in that office is going to give a rats butt if you eat it or not . You will have to live with the guilt .,
You did good !
As a WLS patient we are no longer part of that " i can eat anything world ": does not make us weak .. it impowers us to make choices that are good for us and that will keep us healthy and looking great ,
Love and Respect to you ,
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!
Thank you so much Tink!!! I just read your emails you sent us this week and I love it!! Especially below quote. I needed to read this quote!! You are truly giving back and I so appreciate it. Keep up the good work!!
A fragment of a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson is telling:
"Finish each day
And be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and
Absurdities have crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can."
Move on with your life. Keep reaching for your goals and you will achieve them. One minor setback is nothing if you really want something and are willing to work for it.
This is a message from LIFE-STARTS WLS.

A fragment of a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson is telling:
"Finish each day
And be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and
Absurdities have crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can."
Move on with your life. Keep reaching for your goals and you will achieve them. One minor setback is nothing if you really want something and are willing to work for it.
This is a message from LIFE-STARTS WLS.
Hey Molly,
Thanks for your honesty in this post. You are more of an inspiration than u know. I learn so much through your posts and ask that you continue to do 'you.' Taking one day at a time and knowing that each day gives you another chance to do just that. God bless...
Thanks for your honesty in this post. You are more of an inspiration than u know. I learn so much through your posts and ask that you continue to do 'you.' Taking one day at a time and knowing that each day gives you another chance to do just that. God bless...