LifeStarts WLS
so disgusted with myself
i am fat. i have gained 10 pounds above my lowest weight and i am completely disgusted with myself. (and my body fat% went up as well so yes, i'm thin but FATTER.) according to my surgeon and my nutritionist i am "perfect" but could stand to gain muscle in my legs and abdomen and also lose a few pounds of fat in those areas. i think if i could lose 15 pounds of fat and maybe gain about 5 pounds of muscle in my legs, i'd be happy then. this is me now:

oh and yeah, i've dyed my hair but don't worry, it's only manic panic. it'll go from looking like this:

back to looking like this:

in no time ;~P
so, for the next 21 days i vow to get my tuckus back on track. i will concentrate on protein first, i will limit carbs and fats (and i will cut back on my beloved reese's) and i will work on getting in more water and exercise each day.

oh and yeah, i've dyed my hair but don't worry, it's only manic panic. it'll go from looking like this:

back to looking like this:

in no time ;~P
so, for the next 21 days i vow to get my tuckus back on track. i will concentrate on protein first, i will limit carbs and fats (and i will cut back on my beloved reese's) and i will work on getting in more water and exercise each day.
You are doing exactly what one needs to do to get back on track .. you are being accountable.
I am going to start the challenge today .
There will be a list of goals and other list to put out here .
You have already gotten a great start .
You can do this .. the question is to you and to everyone ..What is your plan of attack ?
See you in the Challenge !
I am going to start the challenge today .
There will be a list of goals and other list to put out here .
You have already gotten a great start .
You can do this .. the question is to you and to everyone ..What is your plan of attack ?
See you in the Challenge !
Proud Obesity Help Bariatric Life Coach
Proud Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Fighting Daily the Disease We Call Obesity !
Helping Others Find Their Way to a Life They Deserve!