Lean and Fit


Saturday Morning Chit Chat
January 23, 2011 1:45 am
Just wanyed to let you all know that my father ied and I haven't had an opportnity to chat with you all. Hopefully everybody has stayed on target.  Keep up the good work and stay with your regimen in order to keep good health.
 Talk with you all next Saturady on  our regular Chit and Chat .
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Saturday Morning Chit Chat
December 18, 2010 1:07 am
Good morning Lean and Fit

Here's the schedule for today
Brkfst: Oatmeal/ Cranberry Juice/1/2 banana
Lunch : Cup of vegetable soup/ ice tea/ 6 low sodium crackers
Dinner: Chicken sauteed  (w) green, red, yellow peppers spinach,carrots, snow peas
               raspberry fruit cup  H20

This is my first weekend off from school .There are plenty chores to do to get ready for the holidayalong with planning my meals. Please stay safe and Have a Merry Christmas
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Saturday Morning Chit Chat
December 10, 2010 8:59 pm
Good Morning Lean and Fit
Christmas is fastly approaching  > we are all very busy, but don't forget your regimen Take your vitamins, get that protein in, drink water and don't forget to exercise.

Today's Schedule

Brkfst : Turkey sausage  pattie/egg white/bowl of fruit/water

Lunch:Bowl of Gumbo Soup 6 Low Sodium Crackers/Grapes/Water

Dinner: Salisbury Steak/Mixed vegetables/sliced tomatoes/Peach Tea(Maybe Jello)
  I drink bottles of water between my meals to get the water in.

I'm finishing inputting my grades into the computer , next Friday is the last day of school
Will clean my living room I'm expecting company for dinner tomorrow after church
Chat with you next Saturday

Have a Blessed week.
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Saturday Morning Chit Chat
December 3, 2010 10:28 pm
Saturday Schedule

Brkfst: Boil Egg White/Turkey Bacon 1 slice/Half Apple/Coffee

Beauty Salon
Snack Other half of apple/*oz. Crystal Light

Go to mall pick up few presents/Get car Wash?pick up Laundry

Lunch Chief Salad (w) with chicken/6 unsalted crackers/8oz peach tea

Go to the Gym for workout (drink 80z of H2O)

Snack eat a  cup of strawberries8oz.H2O

Dinner  Salmon Pattie/ broccoli/ cucumber/tomatoe/onion salad  (w) balsamic vingear/Raspberry lemonade
Wrap gifts and put under the tree
Snack plum/8oz H20
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Thanksgiving Holiday
November 19, 2010 10:01 pm
To all  the wonderful Lean and Fit Group Members
Be Blessed and enjoy this Holiday Season with your Family

Get the Protein in and please please take your supplements and drink your water

                                                    HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING

                                                             Cynthia Abram 
                                                       Support Group Leader                                                             
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