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Tell me what that kid looked like, if I ever see him i will "acidentally" trip him for you

I don't think I will be up for visitors Friday, cuz I won't get in a room til pretty late. But anytime Sat or Sun would be GREAT. I will love to have company. I will have my friend that is staying with me text you the room number. And trust me, I'm taking as much drugs as they will give I'm looking forward to it, kinda like a mini vacation. No cleaning, no bills to pay, no kids to run around, no meals to cook, no dished to do! Just me, my drugs, an adjustable bed, and my own personal TV (and remote) that I don't have to share with my husband or kids. YAY ME!
And you brought up a good point. We should all plan a Disneyland trip after our weight is gone. That would be FUN!!!!

Wow, I can't even imagine how hard it was for you last night. But, you are so right. If something is really toxic it isn't good for you. It's better to worry about yourself right now..a new school, surgery, work....that's a lot to have all at once. At least you can remain friends, for the sake of the house. That had to make the break up even harder. If you need an ear to bend, let me know, I can be a good listener. Also, it looks like we can stay in our house for a few more months (we are going to do a short sale to buy us some time), so if you need help after surgery, I am just a few blocks away. Take care.

I finally grew a pair and broke it off with the boyfriend. We remain friends and roommates as we own the house together, but I was busy moving all my stuff out of the masterbedroom and into the guest room. Talk about downsizing!! But I really feel like this is a good thing for me. It allows me to concentrate on myself, especially with surgery coming up. I don't have time, nor the heart to be concerned with someone else right now. But it doesn't change the fact that I felt absolutely horrible, the worst person on this earth, in having to confront him about it. I mean, how to do you react when the person is in front of you crying their eyes out telling you that you are their world (even though their actions speak differently). But he did agree that things were not the same, and that we truly are going in different directions.
So for the first time in 4 years, I slept alone last night and have to say........I freakin loved it! Sadly, I've gone from a california king to a queen. So there's just enough room for me and the dog to snuggle up at night. An 85lbs pooch takes up quite a bit of space!!
My weight loss this week was only 0.5lbs. But that ***** Aunt Flo is in town for me too, so I'm hoping next week that the baggage she brought with her will be gone.
Becca, I'm sorry that you are having to sell some of your stuff. I'll definitely spread the word around, but for me personally, I won't be in a position to take anything off your hands. My Kaiser insurance is great, and I'll have barely anything out of pocket, but I'm now a single woman and need to be responsible for myself. Well, that is after I trade in my Mazda for a Camero.......then I'll be responsible! LOL
Oh, and I had a few beers last night. First time in years that I actually drank, and after 5 bottles, I was smashed! Never in my life would I have thought I'd become a cheap drunk! I use to drink beer by the case, and never feel dizzy. Guess that Australian blood is slowly draining out of me the longer I'm in the USA!!
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
Surgery Date 8/25/2011
Highest Weight 310lbs - Current Weight 154lbs - Goal Weight 175lbs
No good news. Still at 260. Goal is 256 by surgery.
Aunt Flo is in town and she sucks. Hopefully when she leaves she will take some LB'S with her!
I have a deductable plan with Kaiser. I finally got Kaiser to nail down the amount I will end up paying
$500 down payment to Scripps before surgery
$1500 total deductible
$3500 max OOP
So, basically what that means is I have to have $500.00 before I can have surgery and make payments on the rest. It will hit my OOP (out of pocket) max of $3500.00 by the time everything is said and done.
It does seem like a bargain when I look at my friends bill from her surgery. She has awesome Kasier coverage and paid NOTHING out of pocket...ZERO. But if she had to have paid the whole thing without any insurance, it would have cost over $70,000.00 dollars. (and NO, I didn't add too amny zeros.)
TO MAKE THIS LONG STORY SHORT.... I am selling my 18 1/2 foot boat SOLD , my1920's mint condition piano, my excerise bike, and 20" after market rims (from my dead Yukon).
If you know anyone who is looking for any of this stuff have them put onepricedeals@yahoo in the search bar on craig's list and it will bring up prices and pix of all my stuff.
I'm going to be adding my Banshee-quad (super fast, super fun) and my daughters Blaster-quad (she's out grown it) next week. Just in case you know anyone.


It popped into my head the other day that this time next year I will be a completely different person. So of course I started going thru all the events that will be happening that I will be a thin person for and it really blew my mind. Mainly because this is the first time I can honestly say that I will be thin. Period. Not if stay on the optifast etc etc etc. I will be thin. Yes it will be up to me to maintain it and to make the most of it but for the first time it is sure thing. And if I do what I am supposed to I can actually go down to what all the charts say I should. Now that is overwhelming to me. I am 56 and haven't weighted what I should since I was about 12. The big weight came on when I was about 30, a big leap helped by some bad stuff. Anyway I was gettig all freaked out about my saggy boobs, thanks! now I have an image of them in my soup, and my inner thighs. But then I thought hey what the heck do I care. It will be such a pleasure to be light I don't care if it takes kevlar to contain all my flappers! I totally agree about all the things I won't have to consider, like flying and roller coasters. I have a great story about my last roller coster ride and the oe on the Materhorn at Disneyland. Anyway its going to be wonderful and we all need to just remond ourselves all the time. FAT is going to be a none issue. Our focus is going tobe on nbeing healthy and having the most fun we can!!! Besides when I stop eating all this expensive junk I think I will probably be millionaire and have all the plastic surgery I want. *****s) UP!
Appt with Dr. Ray, Program Physician: 04/28/2011
Appt with Kaiser Fitness and Labs: 05/10/2011 and 5/20/11
Appt with Surgeon/Psych/Nutritionist:07/07/2011
Scheduled Surgery Date: 08/18/2011
Highest Weight 361 Current weight 248 Goal 150
Let's all cheer for Milk of Magnesia!

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
Surgery Date 8/25/2011
Highest Weight 310lbs - Current Weight 154lbs - Goal Weight 175lbs
Hi Sian,
I read it the same as you. I thought we would have to get more labs done. I hadn't gotten a call from kaiser about it yet. I asked a friend if she had to get hers re-done before surgery, she said no. I guess, if we have had them done recently, then we are good.
Hooray for no fasting and no ****t'n on a paper plate (if ya know what i mean).
And no $119.00 co pay

I realized I had Sara Mac's phone number. I texted her. She had her doctor's appointment and is waiting for her date. She said, she hasn't quite figured out this site yet.
I emailed Kris. She is waiting for a date for her dr. appointment which should be soon. She logged in on thursday night, but no one else was online.
I emailed Debra, but no word back yet.
I don't know how to get ahold of Carol.
More than just keeping in touch on here prior to surgery, I hope we all keep in touch after too. It would be nice to do a walk as skinny / healthy girls. Rather than the chubby girl walks we did around the positive choice building!
I was wondering waht happened to you. Sian said you had been on here a few times. I had to search pretty far back to find your posts!!!! You should pop in more often and say "Hi" to everyone.
Hope all is well. Did you ever get back into your house after all that construction?
Take Care,