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Topic: RE: Postponing surgery
Work starts ironically on 8/25, kids are back on 8/30. Everything happens in its own time I guess. I'm hoping to schedule the week before Thanksgiving so I'll have some time to recover. I teach at a separate school site and my teaching partner is out on maternity leave until October so it was really not the right time to be out of the room. Good luck with your appointments!
Topic: RE: Postponing surgery
hi Marianne... oh my, I understand. I was hoping, too, that I wouldn't have to involve my work schedule but looks like I will as I only have my 3 doc appts this Monday. I will NOT be saying anything to anyone at about my surgery....just that I'm having surgery and will probably say it is a "girl' thing. At our age, we can get away with that. I've decided that when people notice my wieght loss...I'll just say that "something clicked" in my head and I'm eating less. I'm hoping that I can only take 2 weeks off in the fall. When does your school start back? Sending my love...:)Deanna
Topic: RE: Postponing surgery
*hugs* Aww Marianne, I know that must have been such a difficult decision for you to make, and heart breaking at the same time. I too had hoped that something earlier would come up as I didn't not like the idea of starting my first SDSU semester 4 days after surgery, but like you, there was nothing.
Just remember, this doesn't mean it's over, kust pushed out for a little while longer.
Just remember, this doesn't mean it's over, kust pushed out for a little while longer.
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
Surgery Date 8/25/2011
Highest Weight 310lbs - Current Weight 154lbs - Goal Weight 175lbs
Topic: Postponing surgery
I made the difficult decision to cancel the August 25 surgery date and reschedule for sometime in November. I have not gotten a definate date yet. I really thought when I got my surgery date on June 7th that there would be a great chance there would be a cancellation. I finally got up the nerve on August 1 to call and plead my case, only to find that Dr. Rumsey was on vacation, so the chances of a cancellation are slim to none. I got up the nerve on Friday to cancel and try to reschedule. I really wanted it to be a private thing and not involve work at all, but I guess I'll have to be honest instead. The good thing is maybe one of you will take my place:) Love you all!
Topic: RE: Re: Becca
I hope you are feeling better. Sorry I did not make it to see you but hope to see you very soon. Love ,
Topic: RE: Re: Becca
Thanks ladies for coming to see me! It really meant alot. It was a nice distraction for me.
See ya all back here during your surgery dates in August.
See ya all back here during your surgery dates in August.
Topic: RE: Re: Becca
YAY! Thanks for the update Shelley.
"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it."
Surgery Date 8/25/2011
Highest Weight 310lbs - Current Weight 154lbs - Goal Weight 175lbs
Topic: Re: Becca
Just wanted to let you all know that Becca is out of surgery and in recovery she will be on the 5th floor they will let me know room number in about an hour or so. I will keep you posted!

Topic: RE: Positive Vibes for Becca!!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
It's kinda hard to believe that in 6 or so hours, I will be getting almost all of my stomach pulled out of my body.
It's kinda hard to believe that in 6 or so hours, I will be getting almost all of my stomach pulled out of my body.