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Topic: RE: Any word on Debra?
hi Becca.....I haven't heard, I'm sort of juggling an increased work load at school and regulating my tum tum so have been been somewhat preoccupied. The district added another school to my caseload which puts me at 600 students a week and I'm barely keeping my head above water.
Topic: Any word on Debra?
I'm just curious if anyone went to visit or may have talked to Debra
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: RE: feeling pretty weak
Hope you are doing better!
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: RE: Wednesday is my big day!
Don't be nervous (easier said than done), but surgery and the first couple days are so worth the benefits to come. Let then know if you are anxious before surgery and they can give you something to take the edge off.
Vitamin company's like to send samples. Everyone has there own taste. I chose the Opurity, but they are big and sour....which I like. I have tried some from celebrate (some good, some are gross), bariatric advantage (yuck, you can taste vitamin), and bariatric fusion (just ok). I've come to the conclusion that anything chewable with that many vitamins in it, is just not going to taste like a treat. As long as they stay down and don't make you sick, it's a keeper.
You will be fine Wednesday....who is your surgeon?
Vitamin company's like to send samples. Everyone has there own taste. I chose the Opurity, but they are big and sour....which I like. I have tried some from celebrate (some good, some are gross), bariatric advantage (yuck, you can taste vitamin), and bariatric fusion (just ok). I've come to the conclusion that anything chewable with that many vitamins in it, is just not going to taste like a treat. As long as they stay down and don't make you sick, it's a keeper.
You will be fine Wednesday....who is your surgeon?
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: Wednesday is my big day!
Well, I have my surgery at 7:30am on Wednesday and I am so nervous!!! I am really worried about waking up and having a blood clot or aneurysm or something awful. I keep trying to block it out but it is sitting there.
As for the after surgery I think I am ready but I am pretty sure I'm not. Bought 2 bottles of chewable vi tams on-line and don't like them, great. Too sour and too big. So now I am looking again. I tired to go back and look at your discussions but it seems that only 10 show up so they are gone. Anyway say a prayer for me on Wednesday! Thanks Debra
Topic: Pyloric Valve for VSG
Here is a post from Frisco regarding the pyloric valve. I thought it was interesting. I have no problem drinking and eating. I try not to, because I wanna save my space for food (since i can only fit about a quarter of a cup.)
But every once in a while I cheat like when we go out and I want a sip of something special and a bite of my husbands meal
Check out the link... lve-How-it-works-with-the-VSG/
But every once in a while I cheat like when we go out and I want a sip of something special and a bite of my husbands meal

Check out the link... lve-How-it-works-with-the-VSG/
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.
Topic: RE: progress report
Dont give up Hun!!!!! Im sure things will soon look better! In a year or less you are going to feel sooo good and you will get used to everything....I try to tell myself that when i get alittle depressed when everyone else is eatting what i cant or just when i have a moment like today! WE all love you and are here for you!! Hope everything gets better soon! Hugs and kisses!
Topic: RE: feeling pretty weak
Hey ladies,
Thought Today was a bad day for me. I'm back at work and I was feeling shaky and i was having a hard time getting my shake in the morning. Thought that it would go away but it didn't so i called Lisa at PB which is awesome shes rumsey nurse and she said i have signs of getting Dehydrated and to take some propel or something like that down and that supposely I need to be getting 64 onces of liquid I could have sworen it was 32 WOW I was wrong ...But wow I still have a headache but I think i'm getting better . WOW it's so hard to drink soo much water, It's better now than little after surgery but stillll hard Be careful LADIES!!! Drink your water cause this feeling SUCKS LOL besides that I have been feeling good my period has gone away with the birthcontrol that my doc put me on soooo im Happy!!!! Miss everyone hope all is well!!
Thought Today was a bad day for me. I'm back at work and I was feeling shaky and i was having a hard time getting my shake in the morning. Thought that it would go away but it didn't so i called Lisa at PB which is awesome shes rumsey nurse and she said i have signs of getting Dehydrated and to take some propel or something like that down and that supposely I need to be getting 64 onces of liquid I could have sworen it was 32 WOW I was wrong ...But wow I still have a headache but I think i'm getting better . WOW it's so hard to drink soo much water, It's better now than little after surgery but stillll hard Be careful LADIES!!! Drink your water cause this feeling SUCKS LOL besides that I have been feeling good my period has gone away with the birthcontrol that my doc put me on soooo im Happy!!!! Miss everyone hope all is well!!
Topic: RE: feeling pretty weak
hi is going well....if I keep going, I do great. I found out what I was doing to make myself dizzy.......I WAS EATING TOO MUCH FOR BREAKFAST.....duh!!!!! I was trying for a whole optifast and today, only had about 4 sips and ended up with NO I know......tata:)D
Topic: RE: feeling pretty weak
Hey Janet, Have you seen the doctor yet. It is very important that you get seen. Let me know if you need any help.
HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.

HW 268*PRE OP263*1 MO.236*2 MO.219*3 MO.202*4 MO.193*5 MO.185*6 MO.